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Jamie Marner


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"Callie where are you?? We're going to be late for the game!!" I yell into my phone.

I've called her 5 times already and it keeps going to voicemail.

Finally I hear a knock on my door. I open the door and saw my best friend standing there.

"Callie why aren't you answering my phone calls?" I ask her.

"I'm sorry I just had a bad day" she says walking into my apartment.

"What is it?" I asked her.

"My parents, they're getting divorced" she said as she started to cry.

I pulled her into a hug.

"Callie it's going to be okay" I said comforting her.

"Is it okay if I just stay here instead of going to the game?" She asks.

"Yeah but I have to go to the game because Steph told me too" I said.

"Okay well i'll just watch the game from here, i'll leave later" She said as she turned on the tv.

"I'll be back as soon as possible" I said grabbing my car keys.


I enter the arena and made my way to the WAGS section. Even though i'm not a girlfriend or wife of any of the players, hopefully i'm still accepted. After all I am the twin sister of one of Toronto's best players right now.

"Steph!" I yelled so she could hear me.

"There you are!" She yelled back as she hugs me.

"Sorry I had to deal with something" I said.

"Well sit down and drink a beer" Steph says leading me to the other girls.

As soon as the girls noticed me they looked at me with dirty looks except for Sydney who looked happy to see me.

"Hey Jamie" she said handing me a beer.

"Hey Sydney" I said taking a seat.

Steph sits next to me as we watch the game.

Within 10 minutes of the third period, I overhear talking coming from behind me.

"Sydney why are you being so nice to her?" I hear someone say.

"Well she's a nice person" Sydney says making me smile.

"Yeah but she's a bitch, she broke one of the rules of being in this group"

My smile turns into a frown.

"Like who uses a player on the team and pretends to be dating them and to come out days later saying you are someone's sibling"

"Like gosh can she like slow down on how many boys she's connected with"

"The next thing you know is her saying Mike Babcock is my father!" The girls start to laugh.

I start to feel the tears form in my eyes, I try to hold it back but I couldn't.

"Steph i'll be right back" I said as I got up.

I head straight to the washroom, I locked myself in a stall and started to ball my eyes out.

Shortly after I hear the washroom door open.

"Jamie are you here?" I hear Steph's voice.

I get out from the stall to face her.

"Jamie is everything okay?" She asked looking concerned.

"Did you hear those girls, they hate me" I said as Steph gives me a hug.

"I know they didn't mean those things"

"Did you hear them say that i'm a bitch and how i'm going to use all the boys on this team?"

"I'm so sorry about this" Steph says.

"It's not your fault, you shouldn't be the one apologizing" I said as I hear the buzzer sound.

"The games over" Steph says.

"Steph i'll be in the car, can you do me a favour and tell Mitch to meet me there?"

"Of course" she said as she leaves the washroom.

I head down the parking lot and stopped right in front of my car.

I immediately slid my back on the side of the car.

I buried my face on my knees as the tears go down my face.

Why does everything happen to me?? Why does everyone hate me??

I pull my sleeves up to see the scars up my arms.

I remembered how I used to cut when I moved to Edmonton.

I thought cutting was the next for me but instead it was the worse for me.

I rolled down my sleeves as I heard my name being called.

"JAMIE!!" I hear Mitch yelling my name.

I look up to see him still in his jersey.

"Jamie are you alright? Steph told me what happened" Mitch says as he sits next to me.

"I can't seem to make people like me" I cried as I lean my head on Mitch's shoulders.

"Jamie not everyone on this planet will be nice, there are always bad people everywhere" Mitch says as he puts one arm around my shoulder.

"Mitch I just need someone to be with me tonight, can you stay with me?" I ask him.

"Jamie you don't have to ask just say it, just remember that I will always be here for you" he said as he kisses my forehead.

"I'm lucky to have you as a brother" I said.

"I'm lucky to have you as a sister" he said leaning his head onto mine.

At least I have someone who actually cares about me

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