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                      Auston Matthews

                      Auston Matthews

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"Who was that?" Will asked as Mitch got off the phone.

"That was Steph, she asked me what we are doing for the off season and she invited me to go to LA" Mitch said.

"Cool wish I could go to LA but I have to go back home to Sweden" Will said.

"How about you Auston what are you doing for the off season?" Mitch asked me.

"Nothing much" I said as I focused myself on the TV.

"Auston you need to stop worrying about Jamie" Mitch says.

"Yeah I know but I can't" I said as I picture her in my head.

"Auston I can't leave you here when you are sad and depressed so you're are coming with me" Mitch says throwing a empty bag at me.

"Ugh" I said not wanting to go.

"Why aren't you more excited? IT'S LA!!" Mitch says in excitement.

"Yeah but i'm going to be third wheeling with you guys" I said.

"Auston you won't be third wheeling all the time and besides you might meet someone there" Mitch raises an eyebrow at me.

"Fine i'll go" I said as Mitch got up.

"Okay we have two days before we go" Mitch says before leaving the room.

Two days before hell starts


"What do you mean the flight is full?" Mitch asked the flight attendant.

"Sorry sir but only one of you can go on, the other has to wait for the next flight to LA" she said.

"I'll stay" I volunteered.

"You sure?" Mitch asked.

"Yup i'll be good, i'll just sit back and relax" I said taking a seat.

"Okay i'll see you in LA I guess" he says grabbing his stuff and heading towards the entrance.

"Text me when you land so I can pick you up" Mitch said.

I watched him leave, I went on my phone for a few minutes before getting up to buy food.

                        Jamie Marner

"Jamie where are you?" Mitch asks from the other side of the phone.

"I'M HERE!!" I said as I parked right in front of him.

"Took you long enough" Mitch said as I got out of the car and hugged him.

"I missed you" I said.

"I missed you too" he replied back.

I help him unload his stuff in the car before getting in and driving back to the house.

"Where's the kids?" Mitch asked.

"Steph's babysitting them right now" I said focussing on the road.

"So I actually invited a friend to come visit with me" Mitch said to me as we pulled up at a red light, I immediately looked at him.

"Oh" I only said.

"Oh what?" He asked confused with my response.

"I didn't know he was coming along, he has no where to stay" I said.

"Oh it's okay he booked a hotel room for the entire time" Mitch said as we continued to drive after seeing the green light.

"He must be rich if he can afford a hotel room for two months" I said.

"Yeah he's pretty rich" Mitch said.

"Well when is he coming here?"

"He got kicked out of the last flight so he is arriving in 5 hours" Mitch said.

"What does your friend look like?" I asked.

"Well he is tall, has beautiful brown eyes and brown hair and he plays hockey" Mitch said.

Well I can't wait to meet this guy, he seems like my type

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