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                          Jamie Marner


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I open my eyes to see Steph looking over me with a megaphone in her hands.

"What the hell Steph!" I said as I sat up and touched my ears.

"Sorry it's just that I have big news!" Steph places the megaphone down.

"What is it so I can go back to sleep, the kids are at my aunts house right now and I want all the rest I can get" I said.

"Well you have to get changed and meet us downstairs"

"Us?" I scratched my head.

"Yeah Mitch and I" she said as I nodded my head.

She left the room so I can change, I pick and outfit and headed downstairs.

I enter the dining room to see Mitch and Steph being all secretive. As soon as they noticed me they quickly shut up.

"Sit down" Mitch said in a serious voice making me a little concerned.

"Okay what's going on?" I said taking my seat.

"Well since the kids are not going o be here for a week we've decided that we would go on a little road trip" Steph said.

"Road trip?" I said looking at the both of them.

"Yeah a road trip around California" Steph says pointing the obvious.

"Sure i'm down" I said not really caring where we are going.

"Under one condition" Mitch says.

"If Auston can come along with us" he says as my eyes go wide open.

I don't want him to come with us

"I'll think about it" I lied as I got up from my seat and into the kitchen to make myself some food.

"Come on Jamie, he's my friend and I can't leave him alone here! He doesn't know anyone in the area except for us" Mitch follows me.

"Give him a chance" Steph begs.

Both of them look at me with puppy eyes, how could I not say no.

"Fine" I gave in.

"YAY!!" They both cheered.

"Okay so the RV will come by tomorrow so get packed, we will be on the road for a week" Steph mentions.

"Okay now can I make my food in peace?" I said as both of them nodded and left the room.

As I make my food it all hits me.

How can I survive one week in a RV with Auston??

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