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                        Jamie Marner


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"Now choose an outfit!" Steph demands.

We were currently in the back of the RV picking out an outfit for the beach.

"You have to wear something sexy" Steph mentions as she looks through my clothes.

"I have nothing sexy, I have a lot of basic clothes" I say as Steph was still focused on finding an outfit for me.

"Then i'll be here to save the day" she randomly picks out clothes and forces me to put them on.

"Ahem" I said looking at her giving her a hint to turn around.

"What?" She says confused.

"I need to change, can you please turn away?" I ask her nicely.

"Oh sorry" she turns around and goes on her phone.

"I don't know about this" I said as Steph turned around.

"Girl you look sexy for someone who gave birth to twins" she says as I turn around.

"GUYS CAN YOU OPEN THE DOOR!!" Mitch yells from the other side of the door.

"What for?" I responded back as Steph was doing my hair.


"We will be out in a sec" Steph says.


"Ugh it's so hot" Mitch complains as we exit the RV.

"It's beautiful" I say as I see the nice view of the beach.

"Yeah well it's hot so i'm going into the water" Mitch says running towards the water.

"He's such a kid" Auston speaks up as we see Mitch take off his shirt and rush to the water.

"Well that's Mitch" Steph says.

"Why are we just standing here?? Let's enjoy this moment!" I said as I started to run like Mitch toward the water.

"Like brother like sister" I hear Steph say.

We played in the water before the sun set.

When we realized the sun was setting we went back to our area and hung out.

Mitch somehow made a campfire which i'm surprised about, I see he wants to impress Steph.

"Let's sing a song!" I say as I get my guitar out.

"I'll lead!" Mitch puts his hand up.

"NO!!" Auston, Steph and I say at the same time.

"We already listened to you sing along to the whole Beyoncé album please don't hurt our ears anymore!" Auston cries out as Mitch puts his hand on his heart.

"I'm offended" he says as we all start to laugh.

"I want to hear Jamie sing!" Steph says to me as I smile.

"Well I will sing but you guys have to sing along" I say to the three as they all nod their heads.

"Thanks for singing along with me" I sarcastically said.

"Well if I sung i'll sound like I was dying" Steph said.

"You guys said I couldn't sing so not my fault" Mitch says.

We all talk for a little bit till it got dark, I realized that Auston has been really quiet ever since I finished singing.

"I need to go to the washroom, Mitch can you come with me?" Steph asks and I immediately know what she was up to.

"Sure babe" Mitch gets up and takes Steph's hand as they walk to the washroom together leaving Auston and I in front of the campfire.

It was just silent, we both kept looking at one another then back at the campfire.

Should I say what I need to say or should I not either way something is going to happen at this campfire

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