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                       Jamie Marner


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"Auston where exactly are we going?" I ask him as he is driving.

"Somewhere special" he replied focusing on the road.

I look down on my phone and see text messages from Mitch and Steph.

From Steph 💕

Remember to thank me later :)

From Mitch 🤢

Don't have to much fun if you know what I mean

"Who texted you??" Auston asked still focusing on the road.

"Mitch and Steph" I said.

"They texted me too can you check what they said?" Auston asked pulling his phone out of his pocket and handing it to me.

"Wow you must really trust me to give me your phone" I joked.

"Well I do trust you" he said.

"Really?" I said.

"Yeah I don't see you being that type of girl who creeps on other people's phones" he says making me smile.

Awe he trusts me

He tells me his password and I go to his messages.

From Steph


From Asshole

Remember don't do anything stupid, you promised

"What did you promise Mitch" I asked curiously.

"Oh it's nothing" Auston said.

"Come on tell me" I whined.

"I think that Mitch should tell you not me" Auston said.

Minutes later we pull up in a parking lot in the middle of no where.

"Here put on this blindfold" Auston says giving me a blindfold.

I put on the blindfold as Auston takes my hand and leads me to wherever we're going.

"Okay now you can take off the blindfold" Auston says.

I take it off and see that we are at the beach.

In front of me is beautifully decorated table with candles.

"Auston this is beautiful" I said taking my seat.

"Thank you, it took me at least 2 hours to set up" he said taking a seat across from me.

He pours some Champagne into our glasses.

"A toast to us!" I said.

"Cheers!" He says as we both take a drink.

Auston later places a plate of food right in front of me.

"Dang this is good!" I said taking a bite of the food.

"Thanks Mitch actually helped me make it" he said.

"So tell me about yourself" I said.

"Well let's see i'm from Scottsdale Arizona, I am half Mexican, I have two sisters and I love to play hockey" Auston said.

"Tell me about you?" He asked.

"Well you already know that Mitch is my twin brother and before you ask he is older than me by 2 minutes. I moved to Edmonton when I was 18 because my parents didn't support me at all in fact they kicked me out so I had to move" I said.

We continued to talk to each other before the sunset.

"Let's walk along the beach" he offered.

We both got up, Auston took my hand and we both walked along the beach.

We found a place to sit down to watch the beautiful sunset.

"It's so beautiful" I exclaimed.

"Not as beautiful as you" Auston says as I start to blush.

Auston starts to lean in and kisses me.

I wrap my arms around his neck as he wraps it around my waist.

What a perfect ending to a wonderful date on the beach

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