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                       Jamie Marner


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"Breathe a little" Mitch says as I take deep breaths in and out continuously .

"Okay are you guys ready to have the time of your life?" The instructor asks us.

"HELL YEAH!" Mitch says excitedly.

"How about you?" The instructor asks me.

"Uh I feel scared" I admitted.

"There is nothing to worry about, when you jump out all those thoughts will go away" he says as he checks on our parachutes.

"Okay you two are ready to go?" He says as he leads us to the side of the plane.

I look down to see how far we will be jumping, let's just say that I almost peed myself after looking down.

"On a count of three you two will jump" the man says.


I take a deep breath.


I look at Mitch who takes my hand and squeezes it tight.


I close my eyes, looked down and jump out.

I open my eyes to see the beautiful sky.

I looked to my left to see Mitch screaming.

"HOLY SHIT!!" He yelled.

I screamed along with him as we fell to the ground.

The guy on my back unleashed the parachute.

We slowly went down until we touched the ground.

"Holy crap that was fun!" I said as we started to take off our equipment.

"Let's do this again next year" Mitch says as I agreed with him.

"Okay but let's go back home, they might be ready for us now" I said.

"To the party we go!!" He says.


"Why did those two leave so quickly?" I asked Steph who was washing the dishes.

"I have no idea" she says as she finishes up.

I looked at my phone which was buzzing non stop since they left.

I looked at it to see a lot of text messages saying what times the party.

"Steph do you know why they are texting me what time the party was?" I showed her my phone.

She looks at it, all of a sudden her eyes go wide.

"Shit we forgot" she says.

"What?" I asked confused on what's going on.

"Today is May 5th" she says as I still looked at her confused.

"IT'S MITCH AND JAMIE'S BIRTHDAY!" She yells at me while my eyes go wide

"So that's why they left, they are expecting a party when they come back" I say.

"Well we have a couple of hours to plan a party, Auston you go out and buy some birthday supplies and food as i'll stay here and start inviting people" She says as I grabbed my car keys.

A couple of hours to plan a party for two 20 year olds, hopefully we can do it before they come back

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