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                     Auston Matthews

                               +love+"Why did she leave so quickly?" Mitch asked me

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"Why did she leave so quickly?" Mitch asked me.

"I did it, I broke up with her" I said taking a deep breath.

"As a best friend i'm happy you made your own decision but as Jamie's brother I have to do this" Mitch slaps me across my face.

"Ouch" I said holding my cheek, I was not expecting that slap.

"Well it's my job" Mitch says and I don't blame him, he is Jamie's twin brother.

"Well let's go before Coach yells at us" I said to Mitch.

Jamie Marner

"Steph I don't know if I can do this" I said packing my bags.

"Come on Jamie this is a once in a life time opportunity" Steph said.

"But i'm not ready to leave by myself, this reminds me of Edmonton" I said.

"Would it be better if I came along?" Steph asked as my face lit up.

"Yes would you come with me please?!?" I asked.

"I don't know. If I leave with you i'm also leaving Mitch behind" Steph says as she thinks about the decision.

"Steph this is your only chance to go to Los Angeles" I tried to convince her.

"Fine i'll come" she said as I hug her tightly.

"Thank you!" I said a little over excited.

"Okay pack up your things then we will head back to my place to chill for the night and we leave tomorrow" Steph says.

I pack up the rest of my things, I decided to text Mitch so he doesn't panic when he realizes i'm not here.

To Mitch

Mitch come over to Steph's place after your meeting, come alone

He instantly replied back.

From Mitch

Sure, the meeting is almost done anyway. I'll be there in 20

I pack all of my stuff and head out to the living room where Steph is waiting for me.

"LET'S GO!" I said struggling to carry all of my stuff.

"Need some help?" Steph asked after noticing my struggle.

"Very much!" I said as she picked up some of my bags.

                       Mitch Marner

We just finished our meeting with our Coach.

It's officially off-season which i'm excited about

"Hey Auston i'm heading over to Steph's place" I said to him.

"Okay um just so you know i'm going to stay at Williams place for the night. i'm scared to face your sister right now" Auston said.

"Okay I guess i'll see you tomorrow" I waved bye to him before making my way to Steph's place.

Luckily her place isn't that far away from the rink.


I entered Steph's place to find lots of bags in the hallway.

"What the heck is going on here?" I asked her.

"Well i'm moving to Los Angeles with Jamie" Steph says.

"So you're just going to leave me?" I said pretending to get sad.

"Don't worry babe, we will FaceTime everyday and i'll visit more often" Steph says giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Fine but you better FaceTime with me everyday" I said giving her a kiss on her lips.

"I promise" She smiles.

"Get a room" Jamie says.

"Okay I have to pack" Steph says heading back into her room.

Jamie and I went to the living room and sat down on the couches.

"So why are you guys moving?" I asked.

"You know that singing contest I entered" she says as I nodded.

"Well I won and so we're going to LA to talk to some music producers"

"I'm so proud of you" I said giving her a hug.

"Thanks but Mitch can you promise something" she says as I listen.

"Please don't tell Auston where I went, i'm trying to loose contact with him"

"Well he's going to ask me where you went tomorrow since he's staying at Will's place tonight"

"Don't worry I wrote him a note and put it on my bed" She says.

"I'm really going to miss you" I said giving her one more hug.

"Mitch stay here tonight, I want to spend as much time with you" She begs.

"Sure I nothing else planned" I said as Steph comes into the room and joins our conversation.

We ended up watching a series of scary movies and eating a lot of junk food.

I'm definitely going to miss them while they are gone

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