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Jamie Marner


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"Can you help me?" I asked Steph as I carried my luggage into the living room.

"Yeah sure" she said lending me a hand.

We both head outside to see Auston and Mitch unloading their stuff inside the RV. We both hear them complaining about how they have to do all the work.

"You guys are not the only ones doing work" I said as I made my way past the both of them and went inside.

I looked around and admired the amount of space we had.

When you enter you see where the driver sits, you see the kitchen and the area where we will sit and eat. If you walk farther back you see a door that leads to the washroom and you see 4 bunks.

"My bunk!" Steph says calling the bottom bunk and putting her stuff on top of it.

As i'm about to claim the other bottom Bunk which was across from Steph's, Mitch comes in and puts his stuff on the bunk.

"Mine!" He selfishly says as I rolled my eyes and gave him the finger.

I guess i'm stuck with the top bunk

You might think that the top bunk is fine but it's not when your ex boyfriend is sleeping across from you, good thing these bunks had curtains for a little privacy.

I place my stuff down and sat down in the seating area where Steph was.

"Okay people let's get going!!" Mitch yells as he starts up the vehicle.

Auston tries to sit as far away from me as possible, there were only two seats left. One next to me and one next to Steph, he tries to sit on the one next to Steph but Steph put her legs over it forcing Auston to sit next to me.

Steph looks at me and just smiles as her attention goes back on her phone.

"Auston you're driving for the next half!" Mitch yells as he starts to drive.

"Hey" Auston awkwardly says to me.

"Hey" I say back.

"How are you?" He asks clearly trying to make a conversation.

"Good, you?" I say so this isn't awkward.

"Good too" he nods his head as he tries to think of another question to ask.

"This is hurting my heart" Steph says as we both look at her.

"What? We are two people trying to have a conversation" I said as Steph rolled her eyes.

"Yeah two people who love each other but won't admit it" Steph says.

She isn't wrong

"I'm going to hang in my bunk" I said getting up. I went to my bunk because I couldn't stand having an awkward conversation with Auston, it honestly hurts my heart too.

I look through my phone and see a text from Steph.

From Steph 💕

Why did you leave? You left me alone with a confused Auston and Mitch who is singing terribly

To Steph 💕

Sorry I just couldn't stand sitting next to Auston. Plus I can hear Mitch's singing from here, it's making my ears bleed at the moment

From Steph 💕

Why are you both scared to admit your feelings to one another??

To Steph 💕

Well i'm sorry that i'm scared about being left again

From Steph 💕

Don't worry about being left. According to Mitch Auston has been miserable without you. Just give him one more chance or else I would die

To Steph 💕

Should I do it today?

From Steph 💕

Do it tonight. We're going to the beach today and it's a perfect spot to confess your feelings

I put my phone down and look up at the ceiling.

I'm not afraid anymore, I should not be

I love him

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