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                      Jamie Marner


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I watched as the paramedics took care of Callie's body.

I honestly felt guilty for not being here with her.

"I should've came here much faster" I cried as Mitch holds me in his arms.

I see Steph's car arriving at the scene, Steph and Auston got out of the car and came up to us.

"Jamie i'm so sorry" Steph said giving me a hug.

Steph wipes the tears from my face as I look at the policeman coming up to us.

"So you two were the ones that reported the missing body?" The policeman asked Mitch and I as we nodded.

"Okay so it was determined that Callie was killed by a gun shot to her head" The policeman said as I cried even harder.

"Callie's father was still alive after Callie attempted to kill him for killing her mother, the father followed Callie into the woods and shot her, the fathers body was found miles away"

"Thank you officer" I said wiping the tears from my face.

"Okay you have 5 minutes to see Callie's body before we take it away".

I walked over to Callie's body.

"Callie i'm so sorry for not being a good friend, for these past weeks i've been here I haven't talked to you at all. The only time we talked was at the airport and when you came over to my place after your parents divorced, I didn't even help you. I'm so sorry for not being your best friend when you needed me. You helped me through a lot and i'm sorry I couldn't return the favour" I cried out.

I suddenly feel two hands on my shoulders, I feel myself turning around and being pulled into a hug.

I instantly knew who it was and wrapped my arms around his waist.

I look over and see the paramedics pull Callie into the ambulance.

"Goodbye Callie" I whispered still crying.

"Jamie if it helps we can hold off the date, i feel like you need some time"

I looked up and faced Auston.

"Thank you" I said.

                       A week later...

I've haven't been myself for these past couple of days.

I just lost my best friend and I feel like a part of me is missing.

Auston and I held off our date till next Saturday just to calm myself down.

I look over at my calendar and notice the date.


"Today is Saturday Crap!!" I said quickly jumping out of bed.

I grab my phone and text Steph.

To Steph 💕

I need some help getting ready for my date with Auston

From Steph 💕

Coming right over

Minutes later I see Steph enter my room carrying a makeup box and and outfit.

"Put this on while I get set up" Steph said handing me the outfit.

After 3 long hours of Steph doing my hair and makeup, i'm finally ready for my date.

"Final checkup" Steph says.


"You look hot, now go have fun" Steph says.

I exit my room to see Auston sitting on the couch with Mitch watching a basketball game.

Auston looks up and sees me, he smiles.

He gets up and comes over to me.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Ready as i'll ever be" I said as he takes my hand.

"So cute!" Steph says.

"Have fun kiddos" Mitch says standing next to Steph.

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