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                     Auston Matthews

                     Auston Matthews

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I got in my car and started to drive to the pizza place where i'm meeting up Alice.

I kinda half lied to Mitch.

I did stay at William's place last night but I didn't tell him i'm meeting Alice.

If Mitch knew I was going to see Alice after breaking up with his sister yesterday he would definitely kill me.

I arrived at the pizza place, I see Alice sitting at a table alone.

She looks up and notices me, she doesn't look that happy.

"Hey Alice" I say as I give her a hug but she doesn't hug back.

"Hey" she quietly said as she sat back down.

"What's wrong?" I asked concerned, I grabbed her hand and held it.

"Auston I don't think we can be together" she said.

"Why? I just broke up with Jamie so I can decide if I like you"

"Auston you don't have to decide who you like" She said letting go of my hand.

"I know that you like me but you love her, you love Jamie"

She's right i've been stupid this past week.

I'm so blind to realize that the person that I love was right in front of me and I blew it.

"Auston you need to go talk to her, like now" Alice says.

"What happens if she doesn't want to talk to me" I said.

"If she loves you back she will talk to you" Alice says as I smile.

"Thanks Alice for understanding" I said.

"I know that you may not like me as much as I like you but you love her. Now go get her!!" Alice gives me a hug as I walk out of the pizza place.

I drive back to the apartment, hopefully she talks to me.

I open the front door.

"MITCH!! JAMIE!!" I yell as I get no response.

Mitch may not be here but Jamie might, she probably just didn't say anything.

I knock on Jamie's bedroom door, I get no response the first time so I knocked again.

I still get no response so I decided to just open the door.

I walk in and i see how empty it is, her dresser and closet were empty.

I looked on her bed and saw a box, right on top of the box was a letter.

I sat on her bed and grabbed the letter, I opened it and started to read it.

Dear Auston

You may be wondering why my room is empty

Auston I just wanted you to know that I've left, in fact i've left Toronto

I know that you made your decision because you were confused on your feelings but you really hurt me

You told me that we would stay together, how nothing would come between us but you broke your word

Auston you really hurt me

Don't bother trying to keep in contact with me, i've changed my phone number and I deleted all of my social medias

And please don't try to get my number from Mitch

I want you to be happy and I understand that i'm not apart of that

Auston even though that I may never see you again, just know that I love you

Have fun with the rest of you life, hopefully you find that someone special

This is goodbye

Love, Jamie

I finished reading the letter, I start to feel tears forming in my eyes.

I put down the letter and focused on the box.

I opened it and saw all the things that I gave to Jamie.

I see a photo laying in the bottom of the box, I grab it.

It's a photo of Jamie and I when we went to the carnival, that was where we confessed our feelings.

I just lost the love of my life and I may never find her again

                         Jamie Marner

We unload the last luggage from the trunk.

"Well I guess this is goodbye" Mitch says giving me a hug.

"I'll miss you" I said.

"I'll miss you too" Mitch says, he let's go of the hug and goes to Steph giving her a hug and a kiss.

We both grab our luggage and head towards the entrance, we turn back to see Mitch waving at us.

"LOVE YOU BOTH!" He yelled.

"WE LOVE YOU TOO!!" Steph and I both yelled out as we walked through the entrance

Goodbye Toronto, Hello LA

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