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                      Jamie Marner


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"What's his name?" Steph asked curiously.

"Matthew Tkachuk" I said.

"Matthew Tkachuk?? But he's nice, I met him one time" she said confused.

"Well he may seem nice in public but once you are alone with him it's scary"

"What did he do?"

"Well he was nice for the first couple of months but once he and I were left alone he started hitting me and calling me names" I said.

"He threatened me that if I told anyone including my brother that he would find me and kill me" I continued.

"But a year later I couldn't take it and that's when I told Mitch, Mitch told me he was going to do anything to protect me, the next day he beat up Matthew and i've never faced him since".

"Jamie trust me i've known Auston for about 3 months now, I can tell he is not that type that does those things Matthew did to you" Steph tells me.

"I just don't want to put Mitch into that position of not only loosing a teammate but a really close friend" I said.

"He would always put other people's feelings before himself, I just feel bad that not only is this hurting me, it's hurting him also"

"Well just remember that i'm always here" Steph says.

"Thanks" I said.

"Want to go shopping??" Steph asks.

"You always know how to lighten the mood" I said.

"I know" she said as she flipped her hair.


"Dude that's the most amount of money i've spent on clothes" I said as we walk out of the mall.

"That the least amount of money i've spent on clothes" Steph says as we both laugh.

We walk through the streets of Toronto and it's absolutely beautiful.

Suddenly Steph's phone starts to ring.

"It's Mitch" she says as she answers it and puts it on speaker.

"HELLO!" I yelled.

"Not too loud" Mitch complained.

"SORRY!" I yelled louder.

I can just image Mitch's face right now.

"Anyways are you guys down for some dinner?" Mitch asks.

"Yeah but only if you pay?" Steph says.

"I'll pay for you but I bet Auston will pay for Jamie" I can imagine the smirk on his face.

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