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                      Auston Matthews

                      Auston Matthews

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"Mitch where are you?" I asked leaving him a voicemail.

I honestly didn't want to come to LA but for Mitch's sake I decided to come, besides I had nothing planned for the off season anyways.

"AUSTON!" I hear my names being called, I turn around to see Mitch.

"Took you long enough" I said giving him my luggages.

"Sorry I got caught up with Steph" Mitch said.

"Well good thing you're here it's fucking hot, just drop me off at the hotel where I can relax" I said as we started to walk o the car.

"Okay but I have to tell you that we have dinner reservations at 6" Mitch's mentions.

"Do I have to go?" I asked not wanting to go, all I want to do is relax in my room with the AC on.

"Yes you have to go plus I want you to meet my friend" Mitch says as we reach his car.

                        Jamie Marner

"Steph are you done in there?" I asked as I stand in front of the washroom doors.

"Nope not even close" she said.

"Mommy I don't feel good" I hear Louis say.

I kneeled down to him and felt his forehead.

"Well you do feel hot" I said still touching his forehead.

"I feel like barfing" he said.

Before you knew it he ran up to the nearest garbage can and started puking out everything in him.

"Okay there is no way we can attend dinner" I said picking Louis up and laying him in his bed.

"STEPH!" I yelled as I tucked Louis in.

"Huh?" She said as she walked in the room.

"Louis is sick so I can't make it to dinner with you guys" I said.

"Oh okay i'll just text Mitch saying that you can't make it" Steph says.

"Thanks Steph"

                     Auston Matthews

"Shit" I hear Mitch say.


"My friend can't make it, her kid got sick" Mitch says.

"Good, I think it would be better without her being there" I said.

"You're just saying that because you don't like seeing other girls, you're still attached to Jamie" Mitch says.

"I'm not" I lied.

"Auston I can tell when you're lying" Mitch says adjusting his tie.

"Well can you blame me, I miss her" I sadly say.

Even thinking about her is making me sad.

"Where did she even go, I haven't heard from her in forever?" I asked Mitch. I've been bugging him about where she was ever since she left. Mitch should know where she is besides he is her twin brother after all.

"Somewhere" Mitch says making me pissed.

"When do you i'll see her again?" I asked for his honest opinion.


Mitch better be right I can't wait this longer anymore

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