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                       Jamie Marner


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"Ugh I don't feel so good" I said taking a seat on the couch next to Steph.

Steph takes her hand and puts it on my forehead.

"You do feel hot" she said.

"I feel li-" I say before getting up and running to the washroom.

I run to the toilet and start puking everything inside of me.

"Jamie" Steph says pulling my hair back.

"You need to lay down in your bed and relax, I think you're getting sick" Steph says.

I nod as she leads me to my bedroom.

She tucks me into my bed and turns on the tv.

"Now i'm going to make some soup so if you feel like throwing up here's a bucket" she says as she places the bucket right next to me.

"Thanks Steph" I thanked her as she leaves my room.

I go on my phone and start going on all my social medias.


"Here you go" Steph places my soup in front of me.

"Thanks" I said taking my spoon.

Steph sits on the other side of my bed and goes on her phone.

"Steph you should stay away from me if you don't want to get sick" I warned her.

"Don't worry I don't get sick" she said.

"Steph what I have might be contagious"

"Jamie the last time I was sick was in the 9th grade and it was because I ate something I wasn't suppose to eat"

"Well I just don't want you to get sick"

"Jamie you don't have to worry about me worry about yourself, you're the one that is throwing up every 10 minutes"

"I don't throw up every 10 mi-"

I quickly grab my bucket and start throwing up.

I look behind me and see Steph with that "I told you so" face.

"In my defence i'm not the one controlling my barfing" I said.

I sit back up and look at my phone.

I look to see that I got a text from Auston.

From Auston ❤️

Mitch got the flu, we'll be back in 10

"Mitch got the flu" I told Steph.

"Ugh now I have to take care of both of you" she complained.

"Well it's your fault that you don't get sick easily" I said.

Minutes later I hear the front door open.

I see Auston lead Mitch into my room and place Mitch next to me.

"Ugh he may look small but he is fucking heavy" Auston said.

"Why did you place him in my bed? Doesn't he have his own bed?"

"Steph told me to place him in here" Auston said sitting in a chair in the corner.

"STEPH!" I yelled as she walks in.

"What now?" She said in a sleepy voice.

"Why did you tell Auston to place Mitch in my bed?"

"Well I knew that I had to take care of both of you so to make things easier you two are sharing a bed" She said.

"You are so lucky that i'm sick or you would've been killed at this point" I said.

"Well is there anything you need?? If not i'm going to sleep" she asked.

"Mitch do you need anything?" I asked tapping him on his shoulder.

"Yeah probably a bucket" he said.

"You two share that bucket" she said pointing to the bucket next to me.

"Well goodnight you two" Auston says getting up the chair and leaving the room.

"And if need anything just ring the bell" Steph says placing a bell next to me.

"Goodnight kiddos" she says turning off the lights.

"Goodnight mom" I said back to her.

"Jamie can you pass me the bucket?" Mitch asks as I give him the bucket.

I then hear him puking, hearing it is making me want to puke along with him.

This may be a long week

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