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                        Jamie Marner

                               +love+                           1 week later

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                           1 week later..

I'm currently on my bed waiting for Auston to come home from the rink.

I look through my phone and see a text from Steph.

From Bestie 💕

Hey i'm coming over today. I'm bringing along a friend of mine as well

I suddenly feel arms wrapped around me.

"Ugh get off me" I jokingly said.

"Wow you're rude" Auston says putting his hand on his heart.

"Come here" I said giving him a kiss.

"Where's Mitch?" I asked him.

"Talking on the phone with your mom, she wants you and Mitch to go back home but he is trying to get out of it" Auston says.

"Well I think it would be great to head back home" I said.

"Well you should tell him that, he is practically begging not to go" he says.

I get up and head to the living room.

"Mom I don't think I can come" I hear Mitch say.

Mitch sees me enter the living room.

"Yeah I can't come because uh Jamie broke her leg" Mitch lies as I look at him like he was insane.

"Yeah but she would be okay in 2 days so no need to come down here and check on her. Okay yeah maybe next time. Okay love you, bye!!" Mitch hangs up.

"What the hell Mitch, I broke my leg?!" I said.

"Sorry I just don't want to go home" he says.


"Because if we went home we would have to see all the cousins" Mitch says.

"Yeah that is a good point"

We hear the front door open.

"Hello!" We hear Steph say.

Mitch and I both turn around to face her.

"Mitch and Jamie this is my friend" Steph introduces us to her redhead friend.

"Hi" Mitch and I both say.

I look over at Mitch to see him look at her in shock.

"Mitch what's the matter?" I whisper to him.

"Just wait and see" Mitch only says.

I see Auston leave my bedroom, he looks at the girl in confusion considering that he can only see the back of her head.

"Oh Auston this is my friend Alice Milone" Steph introduces Alice to Auston.

"Auston never thought I would see you again!" She exclaims as she hug him.

"I'm confused" I whispered to Mitch.

"That's Alice Milone" he whispers back.

"Yeah I got that, i'm confused on why they are hugging" I said.

"She's Auston's ex girlfriend" Mitch says as I turn my attention back on Alice and Auston.

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