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Jamie Marner


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I wake up to feel strong arms wrapped around me. I look over to see Auston sound asleep.

I smile as I instantly remember what happened last night.

I look back at him to see him open his eyes very slowly before yawning.

"Good morning" I greeted him as I give him a kiss on his cheeks.

"Good morning love" he says back as I blush from the nickname he gave me.

Love, I don't know why but that nickname feels right

"MORNING KIDS!" Mitch yells opening the curtains from our bunk leaving us with no privacy.

"Ugh" I said getting up from bed.

"What did you do that for?" Auston asks Mitch as he gets up behind me.

"Get ready kids we are going to Disneyland today and I want to be there before the chaos" Steph says as she puts on her shoes.

"Okay but don't rush me" I say as I make my way into the washroom.

"Done in there?!" Steph impatiently says knocking on my door.

Gosh the other couple is so impatient, they were definitely a match made in heaven


"I want cotton candy" Steph says in a childish voice.

"Okay Auston buy us cotton candy" Mitch says handing Auston the money.

"You guys are such kids" Auston says grabbing the money and making his way towards to booth to buy.

"So how are you two?" Steph asks.

"Pretty good but i'm just confused on what we are" I honestly say.

"Just ask him" Mitch says "you two are always afraid to say something to one another"

"I will later" I say as Auston comes back with three sticks of cotton candy.

"One for you and you" Auston hands Mitch and Steph their cotton candy.

"And one for my lady" he says giving me the cotton candy.

"Thanks babe" I say as he just stands there smiling.

"Thank Mitch he gave me a little much money so I bought anyone for you" He says as Mitch looks at him.

"Dude I gave you ten dollars" Mitch point out taking a bite from his cotton candy.

"Yeah and that's ten dollars you are never getting back" Auston says taking my hands "We are going on more rides, we'll meet you in front of the castle later for the fireworks"

"Have fun happy couple" I wave bye to Mitch and Steph.

"Ah just the two of us" Auston says in relief as he puts one arm around my shoulder.

"I love it" I say giving him a kiss on the cheek.

I can see that it made him blush really hard.

"I love when you do that but next time hit the lips" he says.

"We'll see" I say as we continue to walk forward and go on some rides.

Hours later we find Mitch and Steph who are waiting for us in front of the castle.

"So how was your alone time?" Mitch asks.

"It felt good not to hear a 12 year old boy talk every now and then" I said making Mitch the 12 year old boy.

"It's not my fault i'm a kid by heart that talks to much" he says.

"Shh the fireworks are starting" Steph shushes us.

The fireworks start to go off and it looked beautiful. Auston put his arms around me as we watched the fireworks.

"It looks beautiful" I exclaimed.

"Not as beautiful as you" he says as I smile, I turn around to face him.

"Jamie can I ask you a question?" He asks as he takes my hands.

"Yeah what is it babe?"

"Jamie Marner would you do me a favour and become my girlfriend again?" He shyly asks.

"Of course I would Auston Matthews" I accepted his offer as I pulled him in for a kiss.

Auston Matthews, my boyfriend

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