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Jamie Marner

                             +love+7 years later

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7 years later..

"Mommy wake up!!"

I open my eyes to see Louis and Amelia looking over me.

"Why are you guys waking me up so early?" I asked them as I yawned.

"Aunt Steph sent us in here" Louis said as I see Steph walking in.

"Kids what did I tell you, don't go in here and wake up your mommy" Steph said grabbing both of the kids hands and leading them out the door.

Steph closes the door and turns back to face me.

"Steph I know you sent them in here" I said as Steph as she had that guilty look on her face.

"Well I had a good reason to send them in here, Mitch called and he wants to talk to you" Steph said.

"Okay i'll call him now" I said getting my phone out, Steph nods then leaves the room.

I dial Mitch's number.


"Hey Mitch" I greeted.

"HEY JAMIE" I hear him yell, in the background I can hear noises.

"Mitch where are you, why is it so loud?" I asked him.


"Okay so I heard you needed to talk to me about something"

"Oh yeah so since it's the off season. I've decided that i'm going to visit" Mitch says.

"Yay you're finally coming to visit us!" I said in excitement.

"Yeah so i'm going to be there in 2 days" Mitch says.

"Does Steph know?" I asked him.

"Nope and don't tell her, just pick me up at the airport when I get here" Mitch says.

"Sure" I said as the door opens to reveal Louis and Amelia.

"Mommy Aunt Steph told us that you are talking to Uncle Mitch" Louis says.

"Can we talk to him?" Amelia asks.

I put Mitch on speaker.

"HI UNCLE MITCH!!" both of them say.

"Hey kiddos" Mitch says.

"When are you coming here, I want to play hide and seek with you?" Louis asks.

"Soon" Mitch answers back.

"Okay when you come you promised me that we will play dress up" Amelia says.

"Yes and I will keep that promise" Mitch says.

The conversation goes on for hours until Mitch had to leave.

"Mommy let's go shopping!" Amelia says.

"And don't spend all your money this time" I said looking at Steph.

"What it's not my fault that there was a sale" Steph says.

"This time i'm not lending you any money" I said.

"Aunt Steph I can lend you my money" Louis says giving Steph a dollar bill.

"Aw thanks Louis, you know that deserves a cupcake" Steph says grabbing Louis and Amelia's hands before exiting the front door.

"Hey don't give them too much sugar!" I yelled closing the front door.

Life of being a single parent to twins and a irresponsible adult is hard

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