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                        Mitch Marner


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After that talk with Auston I decided to check in on Jamie.

I honestly feel bad for her, she didn't expect to see Auston's ex here and now there might be a chance that Auston still has feelings for Alice.

I just hope that Jamie isn't in her room right now crying her eyes out.

I knock on her door.

"AUSTON GO AWAY!" She sounds like she has been crying.

"Jamie it's Mitch" I said hoping she would let me in.

"Come in" she said softly.

I enter her room to see her on her bed with a tissue box next to her.

"Jamie is everything alright?" I asked her as I sat next to her.

"No" she said as she took a tissue and attempted to wipe her tears that are falling down her cheek.

"Come here" I said giving her a hug.

She softly blows her nose on the tissue.

"Why do I have to be so stupid" she said to herself.

"You're not stupid" I said.

"Yes I am, I shouldn't have had sex with him" she said as I look at her in shock.

"Did I hear correctly? Did you just say that you guys had sex?!?" I asked as she nodded her head.

"Yeah sorry for not telling you" she said.

"It's okay. What ever you two did is not my business" I said.

"Mitch what happens if he ends up falling for her?"

"Then I guess you have to accept that"

"So I should just be fine with Alice taking Auston away from me?" She asked confused with my response.

"Jamie if you love Auston you have to let him decide what is best for himself. Trust me i've already know how this is going to go"

"I'm confused" she said.

"I can't you what's going to happen but what I can tell you is that you two will end up with each other in the end. Even through the hard times don't worry about it because you two will be brought back together but one thing is for sure is that it will take time" I said getting up and heading for the door.

"Mitch one more question, what will bring Auston and I back together?" She asks as I turn around to face her.

"Love" I said as I smiled and left the room.

I have a feeling that Auston's feelings may have an affect on this relationship now but one thing is for sure, these two will end up together. It's a fact.

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