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                         Jamie Marner


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"Steph can you come in here?!" I yelled from my room.

Steph enters my room, she looks confused when she sees me with a camera.

"What's with the camera?" She asks curiously.

"Well it's for this singing contest and it's being judged by a famous music producer" I said.

"A famous music producer?!?"

"This may be my chance to show what I can do" I said.

"So why did you need me?" Steph asks as I handed her the camera.

"You need to film as I sing" I said.

"So what are you singing?" Steph asks as she tries to work the camera.

"I'm going to sing one of my songs" I said.

"We'll show that producer what you got!" Steph says as she presses record.

I finish singing as Steph stops recording.

"That was amazing!!" Steph said setting the camera down.

"Thanks" I said grabbing the memory card from the camera.

"Now let's submit this to the contest" Steph says as she turns on my laptop.

I hand her the memory card. I had the feeling in my stomach that i've been feeling for these past couple of days.

I grab the nearest garage can and puke out everything inside of me.

"Jamie are you okay?" Steph asks concerned.

"I don't know, i've been puking non stop for the past couple of days" I admit.

"Jamie you need to take a test" Steph says.

"What test?"

"A pregnancy test" Steph says as she leaves the room to buy a pregnancy test leaving me in my room.

This might explain why i've been puking


"How much longer?" I impatiently asked Steph.

"Just 30 more seconds" she said looking at her phone.

We waited until we heard a little beep from the timer.

"Okay Jamie it's time, this could change your life" Steph says picking up the test and looking at it.

I look at Steph to see if I can figure out what it is by her facial expressions.


"Jamie congratulations" she says.


"Jamie the test says positive, you're pregnant"

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