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                       Jamie Marner


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"Why the heck was he here?" I asked Steph as soon as I returned from bumping into Auston.

"I don't know, I just saw him with the kids" Steph says.

"He was a very nice man mommy" Amelia said.

"Yeah and he has the same name as daddy" Louis said.

Only if they knew that he was their dad

"Okay um we should go home" I said, I don't want to be near Auston right now.

"Sure but we have dinner reservations at 7 remember?" Steph says as we started to pack up.

"Yeah I remember our date night" I said.

We packed up and headed back home.

We relaxed for a little bit after we arrived back home.

I took a shower, did my make up and put on a dress.

"Dang girl you look hot" Steph says walking into my room.

"You don't look bad yourself" I said as she turned around showing me her outfit.

"If I was Auston I would regret even leaving you" Steph says as I just look at her.

I did not want his name to be mentioned in this house.

"Please don't" I said as I fixed my hair.

"Hello ladies" Mitch says walking into my room with a beer in his hand.

"Mitch don't get drunk while babysitting the kids" I said.

"It's just a drink Jamie" Mitch says taking a sip.

"Okay so we are going to head out now" Steph says as she gives Mitch a quick kiss before leaving.

I gather my stuff and whisper something in Mitch's ear before leaving.

"This house better be in one piece when we come back" I warned him as I followed Steph.

                      Mitch Marner

"Goodnight kids" I said turning off the lights and closing their door.

I head down the stairs and plop on the couch.

I can believe i'm getting married in a couple of months

I hear my phone ding, I grab it and look to see that Auston texted me.

From Asston Matthews 💩

Mitch where are you? I'm bored so i'm coming over

To Asston Matthews 💩

I'm over at Steph's house watching your kids

From Asston Matthews 💩

Send me the address, i'm coming

I sent him the address, minutes later I hear the doorbell ring.

"Hey Mitch" Auston says as he walks in.

I close the door and head to the living room.

"I didn't know Steph lived in this huge house, what does she even do for a living?" Auston asked taking a seat next to me.

"She doesn't do anything" I say trying not to mention Jamie's name, if I did mention her name to Auston she would kill me.

"Then who pays for this?" Auston asks.

"Um I do" I lie but Auston catches on to what I'm doing.

"Jamie pays for this doesn't she?" He asks as I stay silent.

"I know that Jamie doesn't want to be near me right now but she just told me that I am the father of her babies, I have to be here with her now" he says.

I honestly feel bad for him. Imagine you not knowing you have kids and missing 7 years of their lives.

"I'm allowing you to be near your kids but just don't tell Jamie" I say.

We suddenly hear the front door open.

"Shit she's here" I mouthed to Auston as I pushed Auston upstairs to find a hiding spot.

"Hey Jamie and Steph" I acted like nothing happened.

"Hey Mitch" they both say.

"Why are you like that?" Steph asked.

"Like what?" I asked her.

"You never greet us when we come home, what's wrong?" Jamie asked me, I felt like I was locked in a room and being questioned.

"N-Nothing" I said as Jamie and Steph nodded their heads and started to head upstairs.

Auston better had found a good hiding spot because if Jamie found him here we are both dead

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