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                         Mitch Marner

                         Mitch Marner

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"Where is he?" Jamie impatiently says.

"Maybe he is running late" I said attempting to cheer her up.

"Mitch i'm afraid i'm loosing him" she says.

"Jamie remember our talk last night?" I ask her as she nods her head.

"Well remember what I said about you two in the future"

"Yeah you said that we will have some bumps in our relationship but in the end we will end up together because of-"

"Love" I said cutting her off.

She looks at me as I look at her back, I notice that she looks a little pale and had dark circles under her eyes.

"Jamie go to bed, you need some rest" I said looking at her dark circles.

"Fine but when Auston comes back tell him I need to talk to him tomorrow" She says as she enters her room and closes the door.

Suddenly the front door opens, in comes an exhausted Auston.

"How was the dinner with Alice?" I asked as he takes a seat next to me.

"It was nice.... until she kissed me" he says as I look at him in anger.

"Dude" I said hitting his head.

"She kissed me but the thing I feel guilty about is that I kissed her back"

I clench my fist as I prepare to punch him in the face.

As my fist was halfway to his face I look at his expressions, I can tell he really feels bad about this.

I realize what i'm doing and I put my fist down.

I sit back down and face him.

"Why aren't you beating me up right now?" He asked me a little surprise that I didn't punch him.

"Auston I have to realize that i'm your best friend and that you are confused. All I can do right now is let you decide what makes you happy" I say to him as he smiles a little bit.

"Mitch I know you're going to hate this but I can't put your sister through this pain"

"Huh?" I confusedly said.

"Mitch i'm breaking up with your sister" he says.

I know that i'm suppose to be that protective brother. I'm suppose to tell him not too but my gut is telling me to let him do what's best for him.

His decision is what is best for the both of them right now.

"Okay" I said as Auston looks at me again with that surprise expression on his face.

"Okay? All you have to say is okay? Mitch what happened to all the i'm going to beat you up crap??" Auston asks.

"I understand why you have to do this" I said.

"What about Jamie?"

"Jamie will understand" I said as I head to my bedroom.

"Just don't expect her to take this well" I said before closing my bedroom door.

I sit down on my bed and take a deep breath.

Love will bring them back together, I know it

love || auston matthewsWhere stories live. Discover now