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                        Jamie Marner

                        Jamie Marner

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"Hey guys!" I said as I entered the living room.

"Shh!" Steph said.

I see Auston, Mitch and Steph building a house of cards.

"Why are you guys building a house of cards?" I whispered to them.

"Well some of the boys on the team made a bet with them, if they built a house of cards the boys that challenged them have to skate on the rink naked" Steph explained quietly.

"And if Mitch and Auston loose?"

"They have to skate around the rink naked" Steph said.

"One last card" Auston said as Mitch tried to carefully place the card on top.

Mitch was about to place the card on top until I sneezed.

The house of cards immediately collapsed.

"Oops" I said.

"Great now we have to skate around the rink naked!" Mitch said looking at me.

"This is going to be good" Steph said looking at me before looking at the boys.

This indeed was going to be fun to watch


"Okay you have to skate around the rink 4 times" William said.

"I'll film!" Steph offered.

"No you are not" Mitch said taking Steph's phone out of her hands.

"Party pooper" Steph said as Mitch rolled his eyes.

"Okay let's do this!" Morgan said.

Auston and Mitch took off their clothes and skated on the ice.

Damn Auston has a good body

"LIKE WHAT YOU SEE?!" Auston yells at me leaving me standing there in place blushing.

Auston and Mitch skated around the rink 4 times and returned.

They quickly put on their clothes.

"What's the rush?" I ask Auston with a smirk on my face.

"It's cold" he said putting his shirt on.

"Hey you didn't answer my question earlier, did you like what you saw?" Auston whispered in my ear.

"Maybe... maybe not" I said biting my lip.

"You are so cute when you try to look all innocent" Auston said kissing my cheek.

"Auston stop being flirty" I whined.

"I can't help it plus i'm allowed to do this because i'm the boyfriend" He said.

"Okay lovebirds hate to ruin the moment but I have to borrow my sister" Mitch says.

"What for?" I asked him.

"I need to talk to you" Mitch said.

"I'll leave you two alone" Auston says walking away.

"So what did you need to talk about?" I asked him.

"Um I made a mistake and I don't know how to fix it" he said.

"Mitch what did you do?"

"I accidentally posted that video of you" he said as my eyes go wide, I knew exactly what video he was talking about.

"Mitchell Marner!! Delete it!!" I said.

"I did but some fans saved the video and they are posting it everywhere" he said.

I pulled out my phone and looked through my Instagram to see the video.

"Oh god" I said in embarrassment.

"Sorry" he said as I gave him the death glare.

"Where is everyone?"

"In the locker room why?" He responded as I walked away and headed towards the locker room.

I entered the locker room to see everyone gathering around Steph, laughing.

They looked up to see me and everyone immediately shut up.

"Give me that phone!" I said pulling the phone out of Steph's hand.

"Hey we were watching something!" Steph said.

"Well not anymore" I said putting her phone in my pocket.

"If I see anyone watching that video I swear you will get hurt!!" I warned them.

"Dang Auston you better watch out, she's a badass" I heard someone say to Auston.

Yeah I am a badass

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