Chapter One: Shy Strawberry

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"A bow and arrow, you had all the choices in the world and you chose that as your ideal weapon Ally?" I make sure the target is flat on the trunk of the tree and turn too my best friend, holding a bow uneasily in her hands.

"Nobody else wanted it Lyds, I wanna have something iconic about myself you know. Something I'm identified by." She waited till I was safely beside her before placing an arrow delicately between her fingers, aiming for the target. "Has your mum talked to you about joining Hallows yet?"

"No, well I mean she's tried but I always find another topic of conversation too distract her mind." I pursed my lips and watched the arrow be set free, too say Allison was new too this, the sessions of studying seemed to pay off. She hit the target, it may not have been a bullseye but at least she hit it. "And I mean all this.." I waved my arms in a circle motion towards the weapon in her hands, "I don't really like the thought of it, danger isn't in my vocabulary and I'm a huge scaredy cat." Allison chuckles.

"The whole point of been in a gang is that you don't do things alone. We'd be partners, watch out for each other and that.." She reached down into her bag for another arrow and did the same routine of placing it between her fingers. "Besides if you don't join, your more vulnerable. The Void gang aren't letting people off these days.. if they see a girl as pretty, perfect and delicate as you, they'd be sure too snap her up. Especially Stilinski." She had a point, either way I became a victim of The Void.. they didn't take well to strangers.

"If I joined, I'd be a bigger target and somehow would be linked to Stilinski, I want no connection with him whatsoever.. he's a terrible person and if I came eye to eye with him, I wouldn't really know what I would do."

"You wouldn't know what to do now.. but if you joined Hallows, we'd train you. Your strong Lydia and under that weak, girly facade somewhere I know you've got strength and feistiness tiger." She winks at me and then proceeds on with her training, "Come meet Derek with me, he's making my initiation valid. I'm finally going to become a Hallow Preacher."

"You call yourselves Hallow Preachers? Your like a mix of good and evil Allison, you've changed." I cringed, crunching my nose up. "I'll come with you though, see the man Beacon Hills views as the saviour." I dust some leaves that had collected at the bottom of my dress, "Can we go now though, I have to be home for dinner with my mother. Extreme family conversation, can't miss it."

"Is it about your father?" Just the mention of him made my whole body cold, I didn't want to address the fact he had been missing for three weeks now. "Sorry I didn't mean to drive you into a wall."

"Mum thinks his disappearance is something to do with Void, that's why she's become so afflicted in causing chaos within their tribe, or whatever you call it, she wants me to fight as well. Though I do think it's only too polish up her tardy public figure." I take the mobile from my bag and view the missed calls I have from my 'perfect' mum. She's impossible to please and looks at me like I'm the biggest disappointment in the world..

"Lydia, where are you?" My mothers voice was cold, and well normal to me.

"I'm out with Allison, you know my best friend of many years. We're thinking of meeting err Derek Hale."

"Why yes! I hope you pop in a good few words about yourselves. Make yourself seem bold and well actually capable of holding a fight, verbal and physical."

"I'm not selling myself mother." I huff, watching Allison pack up her things too start heading to Derek's. "I'll ask him about dad. I figured instead of the police you'd go to him."

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