Chapter Eight; Taking the blame

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Clicking the pen anxiously awaiting for Stiles' return, Malia was still sound asleep. Too be quiet honest, I was pretty worried about her. Looking into her eyes earlier was like I was staring into an empty abyss. She looked like she hadn't slept in a long time. Men must keep her awake, in a way that I wouldn't like to imagine. I heard footsteps coming up the nearby staircase, loud and angry. Great. I stand from the chair I was sat, heading towards the door it slams open so loud it could wake up China. Yet Malia did not stir.

"What the-" Stiles begun but I didn't let him finish, instead I slapped a hand over his mouth and slammed him against the door.

"Shut up, can't you see she's sleeping." I licked my dry lips, his eyes watching my tongues journey. He huffs against my hand before grabbing my wrist harshly.

"I can see she is-" He begins, throwing us around so I was now slammed up against the door. "But she's in my bed. No girl ever just sleeps in my bed. What the hell is she doing here?"

"You tell me. She came here to 'please' you." I emphasise the sick word, making him chuckle. "Once she saw I was here, she went all freakish. Had a break down, cause you didn't love her." He shook his head, rather amused. I wanted to slap that look right off of his face. "Your one heartless mother-" He attaches his lips to mine in one abrupt movement. I wasn't kissing him back, I wouldn't give him the satisfaction. The boy thought he could play with any girls heart, certainly not mine.

"Oh come on my little genius.." He mumbles pulling away from my lips slightly. "Cat got your tongue."

"My tongue rests perfectly fine in my mouth thanks."

"Should be in mine." He mutters before reattaching his lips to mine. Take a hint boy, take a fucking hint-

"You bitch!" I hear Malia scream, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. "I knew it, I knew you wanted me asleep just so you could fuck MY boyfriend. I'm gonna beat you-" I cut off by slapping Stiles as hard as I could across the face. He hardly doesn't react he just puts a hand on his now red cheek. Malia reassesses the situation and finally clicks into the right mind. "Oh, he kissed you right.. err. I'm gonna-"

"Wait a second." Stiles holds up a stern hand, making her sit back on the edge of the bed. "Have you been smoking in my room? You know only I'm allowed to smoke in here Malia." The girl look petrified as if she knew what was going to happen next, as if she knew there would be harsh consequences. My heart started to ache with almost guilt.

"I'm so sorry Stiles-" She was cut off my him slamming his hand into the door beside my head.

"Who says you can call me Stiles! It's Stilinski or boss, too you." She was crying again, pretty obvious tears were once again smudging her mascara.

"How do you know it wasn't me smoking?" I ask kind of rhetorically, it was pretty obvious it wasn't me. I mean smoking kills brain cells and lets be honest my IQ was way to high for a smokers. "I mean, you could be accusing someone totally innocent and I know you don't mind doing that but take into account that sometimes you can be wrong Stilinski." Stiles glares at me, intimidatingly. Taking his bottom lip between his teeth, a small smirk appears and disappears just as quick.

"Oh so you wanna take the punishment for her?" We both turn to Malia, who's eyes are wide and bloodshot. Like a deer caught in headlights. "Fine. Count yourself lucky Tate. You've got a real woman here defending you." She stands up, legs shaking and starts to stumble towards us.

"Let me help her-" I say softly attempting to get over to Malia, though Stiles has other ideas. He takes my shoulders in his hands and pulls me away from the door, slamming me into the wall beside it.

"No, no your staying right here Malia can help herself out." Forgetting her bag, heels and such she leans on the door for a while in order to gain support.

"Oh come on Stilinski, she needs help just let me-"

"YOU, are already in enough trouble baby. So I suggest you keep your mouth shut..." His grip tightens he's got a bad habit of doing that. Malia gives me one last longing look before exiting the room. Sad eyed. It must be hard to love a boy who doesn't love you back. Heartbreaking at the least. "First of all, you make me release one of my prisoners. Second, you bring a girl in here to sleep in our bed without permission, and third.. you lie to me." He rests a both hands beside me in order to enclose in a sort of human cage. "I've told you once before I hate liars. You may be Voids little treasure but I run this place sweetheart."

"Great now that we've gone through my sins, I'd like to get whatever this punishment is, over." We stare at each other through slit eyes before he pulls his body away and turns to the table where Malia's belongings remain. Collecting the small scented candles he turns back with a smirk.

"How about I let this one slide.. come join me down in our jacuzzi, we'll share a bottle of champagne." He smiles, a full teeth smile. Sliding the lighter into his pocket.

"I don't have a bathing suite." I utter through the sudden shock of being let off the hook for bad behaviour, once again.

"Who says you need one."



Unhappy, I've been. I was incredibly lonely without my best friend. Of course I had Derek and Isaac to accompany me but every teenage girl needs another. I sometimes slept in Lydia's room, did my work on her desk. Investigated it thoroughly. Nothing, she left nothing behind. What if she's dead? What if they saw the advantage we had in her and had no use for her themselves.

I was sat at her dressing table, looking at the perfumes and makeup products she had left behind. God she was going to miss them too. I started longingly at my own reflection, I looked as if I could use some sort of feature enhancement. My pale skin was even paler, and dry. My lip colour almost matched my complexion. They were dim along with my eyes. To think I'd be a lost soul with my best friend.

I grabbed some of her foundation and blender and applied it to my face frantically. She wouldn't mind, we shared our makeup all the time. Colouring parts of cheeks in baby pink blush and rose gold highlighter. I started to look more alive, and started to almost feel more determined with myself. After finishing my full face and applying some bold red lipstick. I felt as though I was up in the heavens, glancing down into the world as if I controlled it. To think the smallest things related to Lydia Martin could make me feel so powerful and confident just reminded me of the weakness I was without her. Tapping my finger onto my own reflection made me scrunch together my eyebrows.. usually a mirror wasn't so.. hollow?

Lydia number one rule about making something incredibly smart... always make a copy.

"Derek, I think I might of found something useful!" I shout with glee as I unravel what seemed to be a copy of the telluric current map.

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