Chapter Seventeen: The Chase

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"Anything?" I ask, impatiently tapping my fingers. "Anything whatsoever on her location?" I knew what the answer was, I had asked the same questions several times today.

"The whole surveillance system was hacked. I can't recover anything, unfortunately your little genius must have deleted every tape before Malia smashed it to pieces. All we know from common sense is that she left through the unguarded back entrance, ran through the alley and onto the main road." 

That girl was more trouble than she was worth, a little too smart for her own good, doesn't mean I won't get her back though. She was what I wanted and I always get what I want. 

"Okay, thanks Rory. Keep me updated if you find anything, oh and do bring Malia in here. I'd like too have some words." 



"How did you sleep?" Braeden asked politely, shuffling around a frying pan. "I hope the guest room was okay, not too cold?" 

"It was perfect, thanks for letting me accommodate here. Hell knows what will happen if Stiles finds me." 

I was nervous, obviously. Who wouldn't be if they were getting hunted by a crazed psychopath who gets all excited at the sight of a little blood. 

"You may have to, change yourself a little bit." Braeden said, finally putting a plate down in front of me before seating herself across the table. "Looks wise I mean." 

"That's what I was thinking, I dye my hair, wear contacts, change clothing and makeup style. Anything that'll get me off of his radar." I reply through mouthfuls of bacon, attractive I know. "So, is it a shopping day today, I know my dads given me some money as a 'I'm so glad you survived honey' kind of present." 

"Yes we can! I have been dying for a shopping day. I need new boots, Italian ones. They are absolutely fabulous." I didn't actually pay much attention too what she was saying as she rambled on about a pair of boots, instead my mind wondered to mine and Stiles moment in the hot tub and the cell. As hot as I could remember it, it wont happen again. 



"So, we just grab anybody we can off of the street. Broadcast a video and threaten the entirety of      Beacon Hills that if you don't get your Lydia back, we'll kill the innocent?" Scott repeated the plan I had not so tactfully planned out, yes it was reckless and there was a huge chance of us getting caught but I had to take the risk. 

"Exactly, they'll all be chasing Lydia for us. Might as well save us a job." I huffed, resting my chin the palm of my hand and turning to Malia who was currently tied at the wrists and ankles to a chair. "Now, what do you suppose we do with her?" 

"Lydia is manipulative, every genius is. She must of strategically talked her way into Malia's mind, I mean you weren't ever planning on letting her father go until she talked too you." Scott said, pulling a small switch blade from his pocket. "Let me untie her." 

"The only reason I never planned on letting her father go was the fact nobody told me he had a beautiful, smart daughter who would do nothing but benefit us. She was on our side Scott." 

"No she wasn't Stiles, that girl always thought about her friends and family back at Hallows. I always saw her eye up every door she passed, it was like she was mapping it out in her mind. It just so happens our Malia here, gave her the chance she wanted." I didn't stop him from cutting the ties from around Malia's now sore red wrists. "I'll degrade Malia's room, she'll stay in the basement with the prisoners. That'll be her punishment." Pulling the piece of cloth from Malia's mouth he helps her too her feet and they walk out side by side without another word. 

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