Chapter Thirty Five: Late

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When I woke up it was 6:45 and Stiles still remained from home, his jacket was missing from the usual chair he dumped it on and his regular pair of trainers were missing from their slot in the cupboard. 

I decided too make use of myself and got up redoing my messy hair into a braid, dressing into some leggings and a vest top to set out and spend the night back with the losers that insulted my intelligence. Anything too keep my mind off of the fact Stiles was later than he promised. 

Passing the kitchen too a mass of chatter, I paused too look through the swinging doors. Members of each gang were snatching food and tugging hair and scratching one another.

"HEY!" I screamed over the commotion, causing few members too stop. "WHAT IS THE CAUSE OF THIS!" 

Everyone seemed too bring another out of the fight too turn and look at me, biting my lip in case someone started too attack me.All at once, people started talking, shouting over one another until I raised my hand for silence and jumped up onto a counter for a height advantage. 

"One person at a goddamn time please." I narrowed my eyes, scanning the crowd until Derek caught my eye. "Derek, speak." 

"People are hungry Lydia that's all." He was tearing a loaf of bread apart, handing it out too the surrounding people. "Whatever plan those kids have about the division of food, we need to do it as soon as possible." 

"And we will. Everyone who is a chef or a cook please raise your hand." Around sixteen members did and I pointed too the far corner. "Go stand over there." Some shoves were aquired but nevertheless they all moved. "Okay, now, any mechanics, this corner." 

I continued this for another three minutes, until everyone had a designated corner too stand in. All of them looked confused, pushing me with there eyes for an explanation. 

"This isn't a division really, we are at no stable point for a civil war between us all, as you all know outside within Beacon Hills is where our war really is. These will be your factions, your allies within allies. If we seperate into these controllable, sustainable groups. Food can be divided easier and rations will be set in place. I'll have the cooks supervised by one member of each faction divide these rations once our supply run return." I took a breath before continuing, "Once this rationed food is delivered too your rooms, it will therefore be your responsibility within your factions too divide it equally and fairly. If anyone is too be reported for greed, they will be punished. We are all one now, we have too look out and take care of one another. We're are only chances of survival." 

There was a moment of silence before people begun clapping, slowly but surely everyone joined in. A sense of pride swirled within me. I didn't know I was that inspirational. 

Yet I guess it was the sound of everyone clapping that distracted me from the man in the corner with an angered face, eyes that screamed hatred for me. Nobody really noticed the sound of a gun clicking before it was aimed right at my body, gasps filled the room as I instinctively covered my stomach. And then the gun went off. 

I could hear it, ripping through human skin, muscle, tissue. It was an awful sound at that especially when it was heard in terrified silence. I guess the only good thing about this situation was that I could only hear it... I didn't feel a thing. There were a couple of crashes and shouts and I turned my head too see two other men restraining the one who shot on the ground. 

Getting control over my breathing, the door of the kitchen shot open. Stiles, Scott, Allison and a few others flew it, guns at the ready. Alarmed by the gunshot they clearly heard. I bit my bottom lip, looking down too see my skin, shirt and the top of my trousers had some kind of blood splatter on it. 

"Oh my god..." I cringed, looking down at the muscular body who gripped his shoulder in pain, cursing under his breath. "Derek, fucking hell." He had lost a lot of blood evidentally but his eyes were also drooping and falling closed. "Get him to medical!" 

And people did, all rushing forward too help the man up and out of the mayhem. All except the three man that still remained too wrestle on the ground. 

"Lydia, what the hell happened." Stiles brought me out of my daze, gripping my waist and hand too help me down from the counter. "Why the fuck did that guy shoot Derek?" 

"I wasn't aiming for Derek!" The main cried out, screeching like some cat that was being tortured. "I was aiming for her!" 

Your funeral mate. 

Silence fell again, Stiles's eyes narrowed and I felt his whole body tense up. I latched myself quickly onto his arm, rubbing his back from hip too shoulder trying too get his muscles too relax. 

"Why?" He growled out at the man, "Why would you try and harm Lydia?" 

"She was talking as if she was our leader, as if she had power, as if-" The man didn't finish his sentence as Stiles' boot collided with his face in a harmful manner making me gasp. I                         thought I heard the bone of his nose snap. An unpleasant sound. "Lydia is my equal. When I'm not here, you answer too her, have I made myself clear?"

"You'd have to kill me before I take orders from her." 

There was a moment of utter silence as Stiles pulled his gun out from the waistband of his jeans,   his finger playing on the trigger. 

"Just remember, you asked for this." Without delay, the gun was placed between the mans eyes and the fatal shot was fired. 


I was laying on my side, back faced to Stiles as he kept prodding and poking my side. No matter how many times I had shook, hit or shaken him off. 

"Come on, you can't be mad at me." 

"You were home late, no calls whatsoever came through. You left me so worried about all of you." I huffed, placing the magazine I was reading on the bed beside me. "I mean, Stiles I don't just have to now worry that your death will leave me behind. I also have to think of our baby, I mean, what would I do if I had to raise it alone?" 

"You'd be an amazing mother alone, as you are going to be when we raise him or her together." Part of his statement caught the most interest of mine as a burning question floated into my mind. I rolled over so I was finally facing him, a smirk played on his face as he leant in for a kiss. 

"Would you prefer it to be a girl or a boy?" He paused before he could reach my lips and pursed his own slightly in consideration. "And do not give me the answer 'a son so I could have an heir too the Stilinski throne.' Cause I've mentioned this before and I am going to again, if we have a boy, my son will not be brought up as a gangleader." I knew Stiles would be slightly disappointed in this. 

"Well that's okay, I guess our daughter, a girl could lead it just as good anyways." With the satisfaction that he had found the most obvious loophole, he leant into a kiss. 

It was passionate, needy. We were showing each other that we missed one another with the purest intentions today. That we were glad to see a smile on each of our faces. 

a/n: short i know but i needed to get an update out soon lmao

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