Chapter Twenty Four; Fallen

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They say when your thrown into a moment of distress, the blood either rushes too your fists too fight or your legs too flee. 

They never say sometimes your left frozen between the crossfire. 

Hallows stood on one side, their guns raised and ready too fire. 

Void on the other, also ready to shed blood. 

I had managed too free myself from the grasps of Stiles Stilinski and positioned myself between the fight, ready too take any bullet I had too. My eyes scanned the crowd until I found the face I was looking for, he took all proud next too Allison, utter scum he was. 

"Isaac, Mind telling us what you've been doing for the past few months?" I questioned, a smug smile on my face as his contoured. "Don't play dumb." 

"I'm sorry, I have no idea what your talking about." His eyebrows were raised perfectly, he was a good actor, I give him props for that. 

Pulling up the bottom of Stiles' shirt that I was wearing, I grabbed Malia's diary. Opening it too the correct page. 

"It say's here, written by Malia who is now deceased, that she employed not only Aiden but you also." Gasps filled the neverending silence, all eyes remained on me. "Your the dirty rat we've been looking for all this time. You supplied Void with the weapons that you reported missing. You turned your back on your family too dance with the devil."

The group turned and glared at Isaac, their eyes pushing deeply for an explanation. Allison's hand rested on the dagger placed cautiously in her belt as she grabbed Isaac's arm turning him too face her. 

"Come on baby, this girl is insane. Believe me." He begged, trying too take hold of Allison's hand. Yet as soon as it was raised, she struck her blade straight through his palm with anger. Isaac cried with pain as he fell too the floor, surrounding members of Hallows gave him swift kicks too the stomach. 

It was in that moment did I see a similarity too both Void and Hallows; the immediate reaction of violence. The teaching that every moment, every person that fucks up - must pay the price through either endless pain or their life. It was something the gangs could merge and agree over. Something that destoryed all the humanity within each and every one of us. 

"This, this right here. Is the exact reason I never wanted too join in and be a part of any gang. Ya know I wanted too live a normal life like other teenage girls in Beacon Hills, but I let my crazy yet loveable best friend convince me too make the biggest mistake of my life. Joining Hallows was a choice made out of guilt, an emotion that blinded me. Blinded me from the truth. You see, Hallows may have an heroic title and is known for saving and healing but it still kills and hurts and tortures. Just like Void." People adjusted themselves, narrowed their eyes and folded their arms in discomfort. I sigh, my words were making an impact and getting too them. "Hallows, it steals and it manipulates. Just like Void. Except it has more flaws surprisingly. I only ever saw it through rose tinted glasses but now I see it in a bright light." 

"Lydia, what are you saying?" Allison took a step over Isaac who seemed to be bleeding too death. "Are you saying you prefer it here? With Void?" I could only shrug. 

"What I'm saying is, Void may be bad but at least it's not full of liars." I located Derek and glared at him, "Or betrayers." Then I pointed to Isaac on the floor, "Or rats." 

I walked towards Allison, throwing my arms tightly around her in a hug that lasted a little longer then I initially expected. 

"What's going too happen now-" 

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