Chapter Ten; Filling Her Void

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Warning: mature content, like smut. Like possibly hardcore I wouldn't know I haven't written it yet I'm just putting this warning so non of yall don't complain I didn't warn ya. But not all the chapter is smut so feel free to skip to where it stops I'll put a little ***

*third person*

There was nothing but heat between the friction of their bodies, Stiles had a python grip on her waist making sure she wasn't going to withdrawal and leave him in this state. Yet she wouldn't, the strawberry blondes underwear was soaked with more than just the jacuzzi water. Finally pulling away from her lips, he didn't give her time to even speak a sentence or change her mind as he viciously attacked her neck. Plotting love bites every now again to mark her, she was his now. His animal like aggression was far to uncontrollable for Lydia, her small frame was a piece of meat he would now devour into nothing. There was no going back. Her hands were clawing at his bare shoulders, leaving imprints of utter satisfaction. He could bear the pain though, knowing as soon as he was buried inside of her it would all be worth it.

Moving his hands from her waist to her upper back, he unclasped her bra and let it slide down her arms. Panting she managed to heave the words, "What if somebody walks in?" Stiles arms kept Lydia tightly pressed against him. He said nothing but instead hushed her with his lips. The strawberry blonde had never been such a shaking mess before, no boy, no man had ever had her on edge before. Hooking his fingers around the waistband of her lace underwear he brought them roughly down to the thighs and let the heated water naturally drift them down to her ankles so she could kick them off.

He didn't even delay to touch her, making the ache in her stomach die down with the hot contact. At first his finger teased her, running up and down her folds before entering her. Deep. Pumping one digit in and out of her painfully slowly made her head fall into the crook of his neck. She bit him, not hard but hard enough to let him know her patience was dying and she needed to feel more. He chuckled deeply, his voice roughy and edgy as tightness around his finger deepened as he added another into her core.

"For gods sake Stilinski... just fuck me."  The words came out with a cry of desperation, she'd never of expected herself to speak such dirty words. Neither did the boy who had made her such a withering mess with just his fingers, yet the thrill of her eagerness hit him like a tsunami.. he was drowning in Lydia and he loved every second of feeling breathless. Sliding a hand down his solid torso she worked her way down to the waistband of his boxers, palming him through the fabric he groaned. As he pulled his fingers from her, she whimpered at the loss of contact. Stiles places his fingers in his mouth and she watched him intensely taste her. They both paused for a second, admiring each other's eyes before smashing their lips together in yet another heated kiss. Slipping down his boxers with the hand that wasn't keeping Lydia pressed against him, he was already hard. It was painful to him, making him scrunch up his nose as the need to be relieved increased.

"You know they say intelligent women are useless in bed." He growled before flipping the girl over so she was just beneath him, her breasts just below the top of the water. "I wonder what they say about intelligent women in hot tubs." The thrust was fast and needy, making Lydia cry out for his shaft to go deeper than it was. To him, her moans sounded as though angels were singing, entrancing him into a daydream. Filling her completely to the core, his thrusts were consistent and rough. Her back arched in complete ecstasy, mouth ajar in utter pleasure she just couldn't bear. She was already reaching her high, taking Lydia's bottom lip between his teeth, Stiles tugged it harshly so she could taste a little blood.

"Oh fuckk.." She moaned, clawing down his toned back with her nails. She hooked a leg around his waist and took control for a small moment, readjusting the position so she was back on top. Her naked torso was above the water and at perfect height for Stiles to attach his mouth to her collarbone, trailing love bites down to her breast. "I am so close.."

"Me too." He groaned, his husky voice sending rushes of delight throughout Lydia's pleasured body. "I've never had a woman like you before.."

"Shut up." She uttered, bringing his head up from her breast to connect their lips. His shaft still remained inside of her as Lydia's paces of riding him increased causing him this time to throw his head back. Stiles now had tight hold of her hips, pounding violently into her core to finish what the both of them had started.



I was naked still,

Breathing heavily still.

My vision and thoughts were cloudy. To think that was the best sex I've had in my life, could've been a huge mistake. Stiles head rested against the side of the jacuzzi, he was staring deeply at me. His eyes did not drop nor did they wonder, instead they remained intently starting at my face.

"Have you guys finished with the- OH MY GOD!" I gasp in shock and throw my hands over my naked breasts to shield them from Scott's eyes. Stiles throws himself in front of me also, using his body to protect my decency. "You guys.. in the hot.. oh my god... we're gonna need a new-"

"Scott, leave now. Don't look at her so hungrily either." Stiles voice was back to its normal tone, the tone that held authority and leadership. The tone that send me back into reality, really really hard. What had I just done? Scott nodded his head in submission and left immediately. Stiles was still stood close to me.

"He's gone now, you can turn around whilst I put back on my clothing." I breathed, attempting to cover my body still in total embarrassment. "That was-"

"Unforgettable, amazing, incredible, a-" I slapped a hand over his mouth to cut him off,

"A huge mistake." I announced, annoyed with both myself and him. "I just mindlessly fucked a nutritious gangster, known for killing the innocent, one that I vowed to protect myself and others from. I can't believe it." As I turn my back on him and eye search for my clothes, he snakes his arms around my waist pulling me back into him. Pulling back my damp hair he moves his lips close to my ear,

"Are you saying you regret everything that just happened." I shake myself from his hold and shove him backwards a little.

"I'm just kinda shocked I let it happen that's all. To be completely honest, I don't regret it. I just feel guilty." I swallow a lump in my throat. "Guilty for my dad, for my mum, for Derek, for Hallows, god even for Malia." I walk up to him, our faces close but not close enough to cause any tension. "I feel guilty because I enjoyed every second of it." He smirked and made his way out of the jacuzzi leaving me in it, Stiles looks down on me, eyeing my naked body one last time before saying,

"Good, because I intend for it to happen again. Now put some clothes on princess, wouldn't want somebody else seeing you like this now would we."

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