Chapter Thirty Seven: Chaos

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Stiles and his group left that afternoon without me, I sat beside a sleeping Derek flicking through one of the magazines Allison had left for me. The doctor had said he should hopefully wake up in a few hours as the immense loss of blood made him fatigued. 

A few members of old Hallows came in and out of the room too see him, only sparing me passing glances or dirty looks, as if they blamed me for their past leaders decision. I had to admit, it made my heart throb but I reminded myself we're here because Derek had given me up too Stiles and betrayed my family and friends not so long ago. I didn't ask him to take the bullet for me, nevertheless I was grateful he did. As not only did he save my life but also the life of my child, which was far more important.  

I was reading an article about how polkadots and stripes were a tragedy together when there was a sudden ruckus from down the hall, oh here we go again, another petty argument. Possibly over another small theft or a food ration. So, I chose too ignore.  Returning my attention back to my magazine. 

Some surrounding patients had awoken at the noise, not Derek though. His eyes remained shut tightly and his breathing slow and steady. A nurse furrowed around the beds, making sure too calm each patient before giving me a quick nod and departing the room too see what was going on. 

Reality only hit me when the sound of multiple gunshots filled the silence, followed by screaming. Helpless screaming. I shot up from my seat, sending it toppling too the floor. I reached into the back of my jean waistline and pulled out my gun, well I say my, I stole it from Stiles' stash. 

I put a finger over my lips at the patients that gasped and shouted themselves, they were sat in  beds, unable too help. I prayed Derek woke up as the door burst open and a burley man with a nasty grip on the nurses neck entered, gun out and aimed. Not delaying a second, I fired a shot, hitting his shoulder. He groaned and he dropped his gun along with the nurse, who ran too stand behind me. 

Sliding along my side on the floor, I kicked his shin and than sat up, pulling the blade from my belt and stabbing it into the back of his leg. He dropped onto his knees, mumbling some unpleasant insults, so I fired one last shot into his temple. He was dead within the second he hit the floor completely. 

"Help me move the beds into the back room, go inside and lock the door, I'll lock and barricade this one!" I instructed the nurse, who obeyed immediately and we sprung into action, kicking the locks off of the beds too push them. 

The last too push was Derek and I helped the nurse quickly navigate him into the room safely, She closed the door and locked it just as I instructed. There was chaos all around, I could hear it. Guards were fighting back I hoped, protecting those who couldn't protect themselves. 

I grabbed my bag from the floor and dug through it for my phone, satisfied when I felt the coldness of it against my fingertips. Stiles's number was the first I looked for within my contacts, as soon as I found and called him, I pressed the phone too my ear and squatted behind an unoccupied bed too hide. 

"Hey babe is-" 

"Somebody is here..." I whisper shouted in a panic, "I mean I don't know what's going on, I killed someone. I think we're under attack, there were so many gunshots-" 

"Slow down, where about's are you?" Stiles' tone was rather calm and I assumed it was just too keep me calm. 

"I'm in medic, how far away are you from here?" I could hear a few car engines in the background noise through his phone. 

"Not far, Lydia. Barricade yourself in there. I'll shout through the door when I get there okay, don't answer it too anybody." 

"I won't.. I won't. Just please hurry." 

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