Chapter Twenty One: Him And I

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Jackson gripped my arm as soon as we were out of Stiles' sight, he was an asshole with a serious grade A attitudinal problem. 

"Hey python, mind loosening your grip." I scoff, trying too tug my arm out of his hand. He did nothing but turn with a look of hatred and tugged me harshly forward.

"I don't know who you think you are and I don't know what you think you can get away with because Stiles is easy on you but if you so think about insulting me, I'll put you in your place." 

"Oh and whereabouts is my place? Beneath you?" I finally manage to get my arm free and cross them over my chest with attitude. 

"You can be beneath me if you want too baby." 

Shoving him backwards, he falls, putting a hole in the drywall. My foot was repeatedlty kicking into his stomach making him cough as he becomes winded. Turning too my left, I pick up the picture frame that was hung on the wall and hit him, finding it satisfying as shards of glass flew everywhere.

I tried too turn and run away but his hand grabs my ankle, tripping me up and sending me too the floor. 

"Stupid bitch!" He exclaimed, recovering from his injuries whilst scambling over me. We were eye too eye before he clenched his fist and directed it at my face, I turned my head, making him punch the solid floor instead. Letting out a squeal of pain, he pulls me up by my shoulders and slams me against the wall, making even more frames fall and smash. 

His hand disapperaed behind his back for a moment before he withdrawled a gun from his waistband. Putting it too my temple I let out a small whimper in defeat. 

"You can't do this, Stiles will kill you." I say with an admirable amount of confidence. Jackson laughed a little.

"You really think he values his bitch over a loyal member of his gang." 

'I'm not his-" He punches me straight in the stomach, making me fall too my knees. "Stop." A kick too my back sends me too the floor, laying on my stomach. 

"Look at me." Jackson says in a low, intimidating tone bending down too flip me onto my back. His hand brushes hair back from my face as he gently rubs my cheek, shushing my cries before brutally striking me straight in the mouth with his fist. I immediatley tasted the blood. "Stiles will take my side-"

"What about last time, remember... remember what he said too you." I breathe, Jackson briefly looks up too the ceiling in a moment of thought before returning his gaze too me. 

"He didn't mean it my sweet,  he meerly said it too win you over, too get you too fuck him." 

Jackson was one delusional fuck, trying too make himself seem of higher status than myself. Though, at this moment in time, as he laid fist after fist onto my body he seemed to be so. 

My cheeks felt as if they were on fire as they were so swollen and brusied and my lip was bleeding a lot. That didn't stop Jackson though, he continued too use me as a punching bag before a loud gun shot rang through the room. It was so loud and close that I only heard buzzing  for a good few seconds. 

"Lydia, Lydia hey can you hear me." A feminine voice says in a panic,hands touched my face and my head was lifted onto something seemingly soft. I opened my eyes slowly adjusting too a light source above my head and a familiar face.

"Malia.. Malia why are you.. upside down?" 

A door clicked open and another voice spoke out, 

"Malia? Is Jackson dead! What the hell is going on?" It was a girl as well but whoever it was it didn't matter, Did Malia shoot Jackson? 

"Forget about Jackson!" Malia spoke with authority, pointing down the corridor. "Hayden, go get Stiles." 

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