Chapter Thirty Two; Silence Before The Storm

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Allison and Scott were arguing over whatever came too mind in the front seats, I'm surprised Scott was able too keep control of the wheel everytime she wacked his arm. I was sat giggling at the pair in the back, Stiles was out of his seat belt, an arm wrapped around my shoulders linking with my hand. 

We all could have easily of passed as normal teenagers living normal lives but reality was far from that and it rather upset me. 

"Penny for your thoughts?" Stiles mumbled in my ear, placing a kiss on my head. 

"I'm just a little shaken you could say, look at how we are now. We're all in a way getting along and we look... normal. It just sucks it can't be this way all the time." I sighed and leant more into him, wanting a tighter cuddle. "They were going too kill our baby Stiles, we can't live like this, I can't raise a child like this." Allison and Scott caught onto our conversation and put their own argument on hold so they could listen in. 

"They were going too kill our baby?" He asked, as if he didn't believe what I had just said. 

"Yes, the nurse refused though as it was against her beliefs, so she-" Stiles smacked a hand over my mouth. 

"Scott turn the car around." He ordered, making Allison's head snap round in confusion. Scott even glared through his wing mirror, unsure whether or not too follow his order. 

"Stiles, are you an idiot. You act impulsivley, you have a child on the way, turning back would be risking both Lydia's and the baby's life. We only just got her back and it won't take long for them to realise she's missing okay, so let's just get somewhere safe first." Allison had narrowed eyes, and she clapped her hands with intention. 

I pulled Stiles' hand from my mouth as he sighed in frustration, knowing Allison was right. Yet still, I couldn't tell whether Stiles was at all contempt with the thoughts of leaving his anger unsatisfied, his jaw was clenched and fists were bundled into tight fists. I grabbed both of his hands in mine, which gained his attention. 

"We'll need to move from the base for good, I suppose. We definatley need too get Noah out of there. I mean I'm not certain they found it but from where I was, it wasn't at all far from the base, they'll end up finding it eventually." I pursed my lips in thought, trying too find any other solution, but a peace summit was completely out of the question. 

"So.. how hot was that dude they wanted you too marry?" Stiles bitterly questioned, jealously spat with every word he spoke. In an odd way, it made me smile an ear to ear grin. "What?" He scoffed when he saw my amused face. "I'm just interested that's all." 

"Oh, he was super dreamy." I teased, "Very beautiful eyes and this charming smile. He was ever so polite and oh my god, he was so funny and I think I might be in love already." 

The headlock Stiles then proceeded too get me into was playful but gentle as he begun messing my hair up with the both of his hands. 

"Get off of meee." I squealed but nevertheless my hair still remained to be getting tangled between his hands. 

"Take it back." He laughed himself, still roughing up my hair. "This will go on forever."

Again it was upsetting that we were so contempt with one another in this moment, there was a lovely feeling within the car, one of love, friendship and general happiness. A feeling that would wither away as soon as we opened the car doors and were thrown back into reality. 

After a few more minutes of being tickled, Stiles had wrapped me in his arms again and that was the last thing I remembered before drifting off into a peaceful sleep. 

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