Chapter Four; The Devil Is Beautiful

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I didn't even know what point of the current line we were at, they had blindfolded me. Like they were pirates and I was some vulnerable captive about too walk the plank. I knew I had to find a way to escape, it would be hard but I'd figure it out eventually. I felt a rush of air flood to my face as the sound of a window rolling down came from my right side.

"Scott, Liam. Welcome back." I heard a voice say, it wasn't human. Sounded more like a robot. They must have face detectors or something high tech here.

"Stiles is going to pay  well." The boy from the backseat said, taking ahold of my shoulder tightly.

"Liam, you refer to him as Boss or Stilinski, you know that." Scott firmly scolded the boy who slightly whimpered. He was obviously the underdog. I felt someone's cold hand take tight hold of my jaw turning me to my right. I was looking at Scott. "And you better behave yourself. You saw what happened to your smart mouth friend back there, you get cocky. You'll end up worst. Stiles has less patience than I do, and I far more short temper."

"If I was that important you had to kidnap me from my home, I'm gonna take a good guess and predict my smart mouth is what he wants me here for." I didn't know where it came from, I just felt anger and instead of keeping it to myself. I let it out and it felt darn good. "Now can I please remove my blindfold. Or am I about to enter some fifty shades of fucked up shit."

"You really think your gonna withhold this facade of strength around Stiles, your so wrong. He'll break you." Scott snapped, letting go of my chin harshly with a shove. He grab the back of the blindfold unleashing the knot so I could see colour again... so I thought. Everything here, was grey or black. Discrete, smart almost. "Welcome to your new home."


Pacing back and fourth, thoughts rushing through my head, I felt crazy. They had locked me up in some room as if I was a patient in an asylum. I'm still breathing, that's what's important right now. They left a small cup of water within reach outside of the bars that withheld me but judging by the bubbles that swam around the top.. it wasn't just water. So I didn't want to drink it in fear I wouldn't breathe again. I kept marking on the floor in dirt, I'd been in here for forty two minutes and sixteen seconds.
And counting.

The sound of keys rang in my ears along with a plethora of footsteps. I stood up, shaking. It was cold as hell. Okay and I admit, I was a little scared. I had no defensive skills, I couldn't fight. I had nothing. Scott entered first, I caught a glimpse of silver of course every gangster holds a gun. I just didn't know why it was necessary right now.

"Would you come with us Lydia?" Scott said, tapping his fingers along the gun. He was already impatient even though it was the first time he had asked.

"Do I have a choice?" I brushed the access of dirt from the bits that had collected on my summer dress. Trying to ignore the stains on my knees. "Or are you gonna threaten me with the gun as a form of harmless manipulation. You can't kill me, you haven't got what you want yet." He didn't seem amused, instead he approached me in small intimidating steps.

"You either come with me now or I'll call Stilinski and he can throw you over his shoulder and carry you out himself." He wasn't bluffing, I could tell by the confidence prominent in his voice. I didn't want to test him, I really didn't but something told me I had too plant my heels firmly in the ground and not give them what they want without going down easily. "Lydia, now."

"No." I state firmly, holding my head high with a stern look. "I said no, no matter who you bring here. No matter what you do too me." I cross my arms, not realising the extra bust pushed up my cleavage. Scott's eyes disgustingly dropped to it, causing me too scoff in bitterness and use my cardigan as a shield. I wanted to do it, I felt the need to raise my hand and strike him but I took a deep breath and shoved passed him too the now open door. I could run, I could but I knew they'd catch me. I was on their land.

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