Chapter Forty Five: Alas The Mess

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(a/n: probably gonna end this book between 50-55 chapters as I'm like... sort of coming to a reasonable ending. Do please tell me if you think I'm missing something because my dumbass forgets what I write and misses plot lines lmao, I don't even know how far Lydia is into her pregnancy so if she suddenly springs out a baby... go with it. I really want to start a new book soon. ALSO APPARENTLY IT WAS UP FOR A WATTY AWARD 2019 IN FANFICTION SO... OKAY? ITS PURE SHITE BUT OKAY.) 

again a short chapter but hey ho it's one nevertheless. 


The walls weren't thick enough to drown out the sound of smashing glasses, shouts, protests. 

"Under my brief observation, you're just fine. I'd suggest you instruct Scott to take you to the general hospital though just for a more professional check up." Melissa unhooked machines from me and gave me a friendly smile. "One that isn't surrounded by dirt held together by.. more dirt." 

"What do you think caused the fever?" I stretched, giving my small baby bump a rub before settling my hands in my lap. 

"I think my son was right about it being a sickness produced by stress. Especially under present circumstances." 

Present circumstances I now had to address head on. 

The chaos echoed around us, mixed reactions at Stiles' return. As predicted. I steered clear of the first wave of it all due to the illness I had suddenly come across but now, even though I still didn't feel the greatest, I knew I had to go and deal with the mess. 

Melissa was right beside me as we walked out of the infirmary and Braeden was stood waiting just outside the door. She was covered in some kind of liquid. 

"They're throwing things now?" 

"Whatever they can get their hands on. Which is why I brought you this." She pulled an umbrella from behind her back and popped it open. "Although I'm pretty sure if you speak for them instead of against them, you'll be fine."

"They want me to go against Stiles?" 

A part of me already was. 

"Stiles wants you to go against Stiles. He says agreeing with them will keep you out of harms way."  

A part of me still wasn't. 

"Are they demanding a change in leadership?" Melissa asked, positioning herself safely behind the umbrella. 

"Some. Most just want Stiles to be punished for deserting, without stripping him of his title. They say they understand his actions and they believe there still remained some loyalty within his decision to leave." 

"How so?" 

"He wasn't in the right state of mind to lead, so he chose not too." 


People seemed to have calmed as soon as a pregnant woman entered, none seemed to want to risk harming an unborn child with the impact of a thrown tomato.. which I think is a waste of groceries nonetheless. 

Stiles was coated in colours, yellows, oranges, reds. All from different fruits and vegetables thrown. I wanted to laugh. 

"We've all learnt the hardest way before that violence isn't the best solution for a problem, whether that violence is simply a fruit or two thrown. With the speed you're all throwing them at, they could hurt someone unintentionally. Stiles himself, or one of your own." I managed to make my way to a higher part of the room, untouched. "So many of you throwing these items spent their own time looking for Stiles. Was that simply to kill time? Something to make it pass quicker? As now we have found him, you've turned up your noses. Which I completely understand in itself but I'd rather have a verbal discussion over the new terms and conditions we've come about and have to deal with rather than throw fists." 

I wasn't shouting, my voice was merely raised. Yet people were listening. It made me feel powerful, authoritative and in control. Control that I had seemed to snatched from Stiles. 

He wouldn't be happy about this but as I turned to glance at him, he looked at me with nothing but pure adoration. Something he had longed to look at me with for a long time. 

"I can't speak for Stiles's actions. They've even caused our relationship to end." I sighed turning back to the crowd who began muttering to themselves. "Though I can say I have tried seeing things from his perspective and even though I don't agree with them, I have some understanding. Understanding I hope some of you learn by yourselves. Nobody will force anything upon you, we will not fight with one another. We've got to be smart and rational about this; if a change in leadership is something the majority want. Then that's what we will work by. Democracy." 

"Lydia's right. If everyone wants Stiles to step down then he will. There are many other suitable people who will take the lead and turn this... mess of a gang into something better than it was before. Something less violent, something less well, illegal. It won't just be a 'gang'. It'll be a home and we'll all be one another's family." Scott had taken the lead on talking. "We will support one another and other members of the community who even though once saw our heads on spikes before, surrendered." 

Stiles had yet to speak, he was busy wiping his face with the bottom of his shirt. Cleaning it of tomato juices. I let out a small giggle at the sight. 

"We'll all leave you for half an hour to come to a reasonable decision and then I want a volunteer to come up and speak for all of you. Tell us what you want." 


Mugs of coffee and tea were being passed around the room, I for once was leaning over Noah's crib watching his big eyes open and close whilst staring up at me. He was my own child now. Not by blood but not all family is blood. 

"He's seemed to have gotten bigger whilst I've been away." 

Stiles was looking over my shoulder at the tot in the crib. He was so close I could feel his breath on the back of my neck. 

"Well, it happens. People grow up." 

Gently Stiles stepped in front of me and picked Noah up from his crib, bringing him to his chest. If I had a camera on me, I would've loved to capture the tender moment. 

"Allison would have loved too see him grow up." 

"Allison would have loved to grow up herself." 

I knew we would had have to mention her at some point but I sort of hoped it wouldn't be on negative terms. 

"I know you miss her." Stiles commented softly, whilst swaying Noah back and forth. 

"The process of mourning and missing her would've been easier on me if you would have stuck around." I snapped back, turning to collect my own cup of coffee off of the table. 

Braeden and Scott were having their own conversation on the other side of the room, Melissa had stayed to clean up small injuries sustained by flying vegetables. I could tell the pair wanted to listen in on what me and Stiles were saying to one another and put in their own snarky comments but they found the strength to withhold the insults and talk about weaponry, Derek and I even heard them mention my fathers name. 

"Lydia, please I don't want to go round in circles. We've talked about this. I've apologised, what more can I do."

"Nothing, you can't do anything more and I don't feel like dwelling on the past it'll just make me sick. I want to move on Stiles okay, I've lost a lot of people in my life and I want to move onto making more friends, having a family-" 

"We're having a baby together, we have Noah. We are going to have a famil-" 

"I can't have one with you Stiles." 

My foot was in my mouth, I didn't even know myself whether I meant what I said or whether I didn't mean it at all. 

"I'm sorry, I just can't." 

And with those words. I fled from the room.

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