Chapter Twenty Two; Safe

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"She's going too be perfectly fine." Melissa's voice was as soft as I remembered, any person within her certain occupation would have to have a calm and collected voice. Sometimes they deliver bad news. "She needs too rest, I'll give you two some time alone. I'd like a chat with my son."

Repeatedly brushing strands of hair out of Lydia's face, I plant a kiss on her forehead. When I took her hand in mine, a sudden wince of pain came from her lips. 

I glanced at our connected hands, her knuckles brusied and bloodied. 

"You fought back." 

"Tried too." She mumbled, her eyes fluttering open then closed again. "I guess I just don't have the training or the strength too match his." 

"Well, you won't have too worry about him anymore. He's dead." 

This time her eyes stayed open, staring into mine too try and find a hint of humor. I know she didn't want us too kill Jackson, the girls heart was golden, she wouldn't wish death upon anyone; except me of course. 

"You could have put him in a cell." She argued, trying too prop herself up using her elbows only too fall back down onto the plush pillows. "Why do you always choose to resort to violence, so quickly." 

"Well, part of me is used too it and the other was triggered by the girl who lay in my arms on the brink of death." I huffed, "You." 

"Are you trying to blame me for another death!" 

"No, no. That's not what I was trying too say." Watching out for her injured hand, I gently placed mine on top. "What I'm trying too say is seeing you hurt so badly, it set something off inside of me. An instinct too react abruptly in order too protect you. That's all I ever want too do." 

She turned away from me, taking a sharp breath and closed her eyes. I recalled Melissa's words of advice, remembering it would be better for Lydia to sleep for a while. Shoving the covers around her body too make sure she was comfortable I placed a kiss on her temple and walked out of the room. 

Scott and Melissa weren't that far down the hallway, their conversation seemed calm and civil and frankly it made me jealous. 

I never had a good relationship with my mother before she passed away from dementia. I was around seven when it happened, it was sudden and I knew after she passed I would never be the same again. I decided too skip passed them and onto the corridor where all the drama took place, Malia was on her hands and knees, a bucket full of water by her side scrubbing the blood from the carpet. 

"I don't think it's going too come out." She groaned, chucking the cloth back into the bucket, she looked up at me. "I'm sorry." 

"Malia, plently of carpets have been ruined in our bases by blood it's-" 

"Not about the carpet." Her doey eyes were now tear filled as she tucked her bottom lip behind her teeth. "About letting Lydia go, if I knew what would happen, if I knew the consequences. I wouldn't have gone through with it." The breaks in her voice let me know she was being sincere. "I let my own personal feelings get in the way of your business and agenda and it won't happen again but I whole heartedly promise that my actions weren't selfish. That girl was breaking and well yeah you can fill in the gaps." 

"Breaking, Lydia wasn't-" 

"She was." Malia rose too her feet along with her declaritive sentence and began walking forward. "There are a few things about girls that boys will never understand. Feelings especially and thats because guys like you and girls like Lydia are on a different emotional level, completely." My piercing eyes caused her too swallow a lump in her throat but nevertheless she continued, "If you and Lydia are too be successful, you need too stop the whole forced indifference and threats. You need to soften." 

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