Chapter Two: Becoming The Brains Of The Operation

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A few years ago, I'd of been sat behind the dinner table with a happy mother and father, eating like an ordinary family. I would never of pictured myself sat behind a desk in the Hallows gang base. Allison was out on her first real patrol and as a new member, an inside member, I had too work on some basic things first.

"Lydia, how on earth did your work that out so fast. I've had the whole smart tech team on this case for months!" Derek was leaning over my shoulder, looking at the same map I'd been studying for the past twenty minutes.

"Easy, its a subset of apophenia." I state simply with a sweet smile.

"A pop what?" He scrunched up his brow creating creases between them. Oh god these people were all helpless without me, no wonder nobody has found my father yet.

"Apophenia, the human tendency to perceive meaningful patterns within random data." I sigh and start pointing to certain points in the map. "You said you found traces of void moving from this area to this one. Well, each of these areas are on a telluric current. Every base they have had has followed the current, so my guess is that wherever they are now.. is somewhere following the current line." I sigh and tie my hair up into a quick bun, "All I need to figure out is how many days or weeks they stay on one site before they move to another and I could get you their exact location and we could even track them. With this map.. we're one step ahead. Somewhere I can guarantee you haven't even been close too before." Derek grabs my face and plants a quick kiss on my forehead.

"I don't think any girl your age or older has a brain as intelligent as yours Martin, your mum always said you were someone special." Wow, for a moment I pondered on the thought that my mother actually praised me.. but then reality shot me in the face and I realised she only did this for her benefit in some twisted way. She only did this so I would find my father and he would be back not only to love her but to shower her with the gifts she's been deprived from these past week.


*four day skip*



"When I say move the fucking load, I say pick it up and move your ass." I directed the cold, silver magnum at the head of a new victim. A victim that owed me drugs. That soon would be dead. "Open the crate, I want to see if you've hit our expectations. You know this is the moment your life is on the line, if you've slacked..." I pushed the gun to his temple, "You die. So please hurry up I'm an impatient man." The man was shaking, he took the crowbar too pry open the crate but before I could even catch a glimpse of what was inside,

"Stiles!" I let out a growl at the use of my first name, only Scott, my best friend was allowed to use it. "Oh err sorry Boss. I just-"

"What could possibly be so important that you'd interrupt an important and most treasurable moment such as this?" I growl switching the direction of the gun, Liam stepped back, he was a rookie. New to void yet quite efficient.

"I just thought you'd like to see this, it's just we've heard reports that Hallows has gained a new member, a rather intelligent one. We don't quite know who yet.. or whether this person is male or female.. or anything about them for that matter but-"

"Quit with the dabbling get straight to the point!" I clicked the safety off, as a warning. I wouldn't shoot a member of my own, unless they tested me. He pulled out some thin bits of paper from the bag slung over his shoulder, I snatched them harshly and examined the pictures. The cameras we set at each previous base had picked up on some lurking rivals. "How exactly did they figure out our route!?" I snarled slamming the papers back into his chest, he stumbled a bit but remained on his feet.

"Like I said boss. New member. Apparently they figured us out, read us like an open book. Our little spy says the member has been kept in close proxemics to Derek, not even their own gang knows of them either. They must be-"

"Find them." I snapped, absolutely intrigued, "Anybody with a mind smarter than my own, belongs on our side." Liam sighed before licking his dry lips.

"It's not that easy Boss, it would mean tearing up the whole of Hallows base just to find them." He pursed his lips and so did I as we entered a state of thinking. "We could just catch a pondering, torture them until they give us at least a name."

"You say not even the pack knows that well of Mr or Miss know it all. It could be useless catching one if their also strangers. It's not worth the risk. Find another way or I'll take matters into my own hands." I waved Liam off and turned back to the man who held the crowbar like a weapon. Was he really that dumb? "Are you planning on using that against me. Never bring a hand weapon to a gun fight genius." I snapped. He dropped it, smart move of course yet one of quite the pussy. I busted the crate open for myself, weed. A ton of it. Lovely, smelt fresh... but it didn't fill the whole of the box. "Oh no Garrett. Looks like your short."

"No what? Please. Count it. It's exactly what you asked for!" He pleaded like a baby crying for its pacifier. "I got our finest to measure each gram. I promise you Stilinski. It's all there, every ounce. You can't do this, I have two children who need a father! A pregnant wife as well. They need me." He was crying, salty tears were streaming down and staining his cheeks. How pathetic. What man cries. I didn't feel mercy, I never do. I just held the gun and shot.. another lifeless body lay on my territory. Dead by my hand.

"Another body to move ey' Stiles," My best friend gave me a friendly tap on the back before adjusting the gun in his waistband. "You've been a little ruthless these past days."

"Just trying to make my living Scott. You may be my best friend but just know, I'm prepared to kill anybody that gets in my way." He laughs off my threat as he always does and instead throws an arm around my shoulder.

"What's this I hear about Hallows nipping at our heels?" His playful tone died down and he was back to the natural serious state, I myself always am in. "My gosh how many years they've been wasting on trying to find us when all they needed was a smart ass."

"That smart ass your referring too might just be the reckoning of us." I snorted, I was joking of course. Nobody could ever bring this gang down. We were far to strong. Hallows was a joke itself. "I would just like to meet them ya know, shake hands before stabbing them in the stomach."

"Be careful Stiles. Don't get too big for ya boots or you might be tripped over." He gave me one last smile before turning and engaging himself back into hard work. Scott had always been incredibly reliable. The only other man I can trust aside from my father.

I can't lie though, I myself craved to know who the little wonder was.
I knew that when we found out, which we will, we'd bring them here.
With brains as wealthy and all knowing I guess we couldn't kill them but we'd use them, use them too every advantage we could, use them too become more hidden and discrete. Use their minds as a nuclear weapon.

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