Chapter Five; Lockdown

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"I'm sorry, I think I may of misheard you. Did you just say 'our' room?" I emphasise the 'our' to make sure it has had the desired effect. "What are you insane?"

"That's what some people call me, but no. I'm not insane. I'm smart but it doesn't take a genius to know that your one and I know that breaking our alarm systems will be as simple as one plus one to you." He snakily stated. "But I also understand you had a little breaching at our security."

"Excuse me but I don't believe you had any security. I walked in here without getting frisked." I rose from the bed with anger stomping my small frame up to him. He started down at me as if I was nothing and it was rather usual having a girl within his bedroom.

"Okay, fine. Maybe you didn't have a breach but one of your little Hallows buddy did." He smirked, making me narrow my eyes at his cautiously. "Yes, somebody followed you but surprisingly they didn't follow straight from after you left.. on no, they must of tracked something. Considering your lack of jewellery, maybe you have a little mobile hidden on you somewhere." My cheeks flushed red, oh crap. My bra held the phone. He wouldn't find it, he wouldn't dare touch me. Would he? "So take your shoes off. Didn't your mother teach you any manners about entering the home of a welcoming host." The hard drive, fuck. I sigh with defeat and slip off my shoes. He tuts, collecting them from the ground and feeling each sole. He pulled out the white disk that held all my workings.

"Give that back its non of your business." I snap trying to snatch it from him, he held it higher than I could reach teasingly. "That's not fair, didn't your mother teach you any manners. Don't tease ladies."

"Great advice love, if you see one let me know." He winked before throwing the hard drive onto the desk behind him, I dashed for it. Only for him to grab me by my arm, he had the grip of a boa constrictor, I could of sworn it would cut off my blood circulation. "Remove your cardigan." Ok, I really did enter some fifty shades of fucked up shit. I cross my arms stubbornly.

"No. I hope you know you commanding me to remove clothing is illegal."

"And I hope you know half the stuff we do in this place, is illegal." He takes both shoulders of my cardigan and tears it off of me in one strike. He checking the pockets thoroughly before pulling out the telluric current map, and my research. I rub my arms due to the coldness they were bathing in. Dickhead I thought. What an absolute twat. He eyed me up and down before taking a step closer, practically making sure there was no space between us. "Now I have a feeling this phone is hidden in a place you don't want me to touch." His voice made my shiver, my stomach rolled and I felt like straight up climaxin- wait what vomiting I meant vomiting.

"Maybe I don't have one. Maybe they tracked me through the hard drive." I bite my bottom lip, hoping he believed my non believable lie. He took my jaw in both of his hands making me stare into his caramel eyes, I could of taken him to be a nice person if I had only peered into these warm eyes.

"I really really hate liars." He uttered before moving his lips closer to my own, I tried pulling my head away but his grip tightened and he forced my lips to his.. perfectly soft ones? Why must the devil have such a cold, hard exterior yet all he holds are warm treasures yet to be discovered by some captive. Yet maybe that be the death of them? They discover something about him past his evil facade so he kills them to maintain his pristine murderous reputation. Might as well have a bad reputation than non at all. I didn't realise I was kissing him back nor did I feel the hand slowly slipping up my dress leaving warm goosebumps up my stomach. Holy hell his hands were warm and almost loving, ones that you would never assume had killed. Yet they did, they shot, stabbed and wounded. They broke people down to the core. I felt the coldness of the phone slip down from my bra, oh fuck. He found it and I had done fucked. I pulled away and swiftly struck the manipulative bastard across the face as I had done with Scott. The fuckery I had fallen for embarrassed me and always will, I could never take back this deed.

"You selfish, reckless man. Go away, I shall not stay in this room with you any longer. Actually scratch that, I shall not stay in this base. This gang, this anything!" I slap his once more, our kiss seemed to have really messed with his reaction time. His reflexes had certainly slowed from earlier.

"Your staying here." His husky voice filled the eerie silence. "Your staying right fucking here, by my side. Until the day you die. Do you hear me, huh. I don't know what it is but already you've become one of my weaknesses and me, Stiles Stilinski, should have non. So that might just mean I'm gonna have to break you darling. Hard."

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