Chapter Forty; We All Fall Down

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(a/n: sorry updates have been slow.)


It had been a whole month since the ordeal and the body count on either sides had been high, more so on theirs than ours. 

A peace treaty had been signed and the deadpool with all our names on had been destroyed, though I suppose for some murdering Stiles or myself would mean a lot more than just money. It would mean satisfaction. 

William and Owen had fled the town, meaning other members of the city had risen to power and a whole new layer of intensity had settled on us. Though it was proven to be safe for us to go outside.

For the most part, it had calmed. People would even donate boxes of food to us anonymously, which was thoroughly checked for poison before consumed and news of my pregnancy seemed to rise along with my bump. Mixed opinions from people. 

Members of Hallows whose loyalties had faltered were either executed or banned from Void territory and only a few remained. Even after he betrayed me numerous times, it was still quite hard too say goodbye to Derek, as odd as it sounded. He was special to my mother, so ultimately he was special to me also. 

My father had survived and voluntarily left the town without a trace, no number to call or location to find him, I sort of hoped he was okay. Though, I knew if I really wanted too. I'd be able too track him down, I had the skills. 

I was currently sat, mixing my cereal around a little, bored in my thoughts when Scott came over and placed a book in front of me. 

"What's this?" 

Dropping my spoon, I picked the book up and glanced at the cover. Narrowing my eyebrows a little at the title and then glancing up at Scott who had his hands curled around one another with his chin rested on top, just looking at me. 

"You're still trying to find him?" 

"Aren't you?" 

"He left Scott, I don't know why. All that he left behind was a fucking note on his pillow for me too find when I woke up without him beside me. It's been three weeks okay and I'm officially over it." I snapped back, taking a deep breath to withhold my tears. Scott couldn't know I really cared, he would play on that vulnerable feeling and break me until I couldn't do anything but try and pinpoint Stiles' location. Something he was smart enough to cover, he knew me, he knew what I could do so he outsmarted me. 

"Lydia, you know deep down why he left. After Allison died-" 

"Don't Scott, he left without thinking. Not just me and you, all of us! Something he vowed he would never do - even I thought he would die for his gang but-"

"He would!" 

"So where the hell is he!" 

Ignoring the rest of Scott's usual excuses for Stiles sudden departure, I went straight too the sink too throw away and wash my bowl up. It was a shock too all of us when Stiles had left, I carried the note around in my pocket so I could read it whenever I missed him, which was pretty much every hour of every day. 

'Lydia. I know even if I tell you not too, you'll try and look for me. Don't waste your time. You'll never find me. I can't begin too explain how sorry I am for leaving but if I stayed, more people you cared about would pass and you'd lose even more of yourself. Allison shouldn't have died that day, she was my friend and I know how close you two were. The guilt I feel for not only leaving you but Scott, the members of Void, Noah and our unborn child I can't even comprehend. I know you'll be an amazing mother, you'll raise our child better yourself than with me, you'll raise them in peace and teach them the things every child should know. Not what my father taught me. I'm not in Beacon Hills anymore, everyone who isn't a member of Void do not know this though. They think I'm there right beside you, so you'll be safe. I love you. I always have and I always will. I'll remember you loved me too, even though I put you through a lot and you were far too good for me. Maybe I will come back to you one day, if you haven't moved location, which I rather hope you do, that place is no place for a girl like yourself. Use the money I left too get yourself a nice little place, you and Scott. No matter what, you stick together. Find a place that isn't built into dirt. Again, my sincere apologies. I'll never forget you.'  

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