Chapter Twelve; I Could Of Sworn You Loved Me

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The room was silent at first, eerie and uncomfortably awkward, I didn't want to break the silence.. I was scared. Stiles' wouldn't hurt me so I thought, but I couldn't tell. I don't even know the man stood before me.

"Did you contact them? Did you tell them where we were?" He didn't look at me, his focus remained on his shoes as he perched on the desk. I shook my head still, biting my lip.

"No, I promise. Besides you took my phone.. when have I ever left anyone's sight-" Forcefully grabbing my shoulders he dragged me to him, leaving a millimetre space between us.

"Well sweetheart, I do recall you playing a little game of hide and seek. Yes you found your father but did you find more than that? Maybe the guards walkie talkie? Did you fuck with the with the signals on it? Hmm, did you contact your family." I didn't like the way he was holding me, it was neither loving or affectionate. It was a hold of despise and hatred.

"Ya know that would of been one hell of a good idea, had I known there was one down there!" I shove him back so he stumbles slightly and turn to leave in order to leave, but a muscular arm immediately wraps itself around my waist pulling me back.

"Our conversation is over when I say it's over princess." Stiles' voice had never been so rough and authoritative, and I'd never been so turned on. "I think Scott was right, you do need to learn some proper manners and how you respect your superiors."

I chuckle before leaning into him, "I hope you don't mean yourself."


It was cold, dingy, and did I mention cold. I couldn't bare to be in here for more than five minutes, how the hell did my father survive in here for weeks. Curling into a fragile ball in the corner as I had previously seen my dad, my body began to warm itself up. Squeezing my arms tightly around my legs, bringing my knees up to my chest, I was very vulnerable. Mind you, I was only in a tank top and loose joggers.

He was on the other side of the gate, he'd picked all the bobby pins out of my hair and disclosed any opportunity of freedom. Yet he didn't leave me. Stiles remained on a solid chair, glaring in on me as if I was a caged animal.

"Can I at least just have a jump-"


"Some food than, I didn't eat anything this morni-"

"Your fault you chose to decorate Scott."

"Why are you being such a dick!" I exclaim throwing myself up from the ground in protest. He matches my anger and stands up himself, towering me easily. Thank god there was a gate between us. For his sake of course, I would rip those gorgeous eyes out with my acrylic claws.

"You love, are in no position too insult me."

"Considering your a member down, by my own mothers hand, you should start questioning whether your in any position!" His hand easily fit through one of the gaps of the cell , and clasped my throat.

"It's cute that you have faith in your little peace on earth gang but remember I took there one advantage away from them." I didn't know why I did what I did next, I just pummelled my fist at his perfect face and punched him. I didn't think I hit him that hard until he turned around with a bloody nose. It wasn't the blood that shocked me nor was it the fact that I had hit him in the first place,

It was the tears.
The tears that had filled his caramel eyes as they softened. It didn't take a genius like myself to come to the conclusion Stiles had been punched before... yet why had he broken his strong facade, why had he weakened himself? To make me feel guilty?

"I'm sorry." Was all I muttered, taking my bottom lip under my top row of teeth. The air became thick with an uneasy feeling like it had previously done in his office and as the gate violently flung open making me fall onto the solid floor did I realise I was in far more trouble than before. "Stiles.. please.." He was looking down at me, he didn't say anything, just stared with void emotions. He was unreadable, he had always been unreadable. It'd take me some time to crack codes and figure him out.

"Stand up." Stiles ordered, he didn't snap, in fact his voice was monotone. When I didn't react, he repeated himself once more. "Lydia. Stand up,now." I scampered to my feet, not looking him in the eye. I was scared.. I wasn't brave, not like Allison. Not like my best friend that I missed ever so dearly.



It was rather beautiful actually, seeing the married infatuated couple reunite. Lydia's parents' relationship never faltered. Isaacs hand intertwined with mine as we admired the love between Natalie and her partner she cried about losing every precious night,

"Derek got a message, a warning really." Isaac whispered, bringing me out of my deluded trance. I sighed, disappointed that this wonderful moment couldn't last forever.

"Let me guess, Void know about Aiden."

"They also have footage of Natalie firing the gun... they believe in the term blood for blood Allison. They're gonna come looking for revenge-"

"They don't think taking Lydia is bad enough." I scoffed, "Lydia Martins brain is the most powerful weapon dividing our groups. It's more powerful than a gun, it's an atomic bomb. The girls intelligence doesn't have a limit..."

"I have a feeling you know what she's capable of."

"Not only did she find Voids location, she once hacked the schools alarm system because she knew the new science teacher was mixing something dodgy in his class and she was right, she saved the whole school from an explosion that would wipe all the kids out. Then she hacked Beacons Hills sheriff department, in order to get control of the cells. She released my dad for me, I mean I know he's back there now but she tried and succeeded and she promised me she'd do it again when she could. She knows a way my dad can disappear from the polices' existence, she's so smart Isaac.. she can make a person disappear."

"Let me guess, she can also put together a nuclear bomb.." Isaac joked, yet my half frown told him the truth, Lydia could put together and set off a bomb. "So, she's a fucking mastermind who could kill thousands of people.. and she's in the hands of Void."

"That's why the whole deal of her been taken is so serious.. it's why Derek hasn't stopped pacing or working. All of Beacon Hills could be overrun which is what Stiles Stilinski has always wanted, he just realised he didn't need a gun or a knife to do it."

"He needed a Lydia Martin."

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