Chapter Fifteen; The Escape

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It wasn't an awkward silence, in fact it was rather comfortable. I was seated on a sofa just beside Stiles' desk tucking in on a delicious cupcake one of the cooks had made for me. 

"Your old little gang is narrowing in on you." Were the first words he spoke, his caramel eyes harshly glaring at his dim computer screen. 

"At some point I will have to return home, they're going to find me." I calmly spoke, I wasn't mad at the thought, any girl with sense would rather return home to family opposed to staying in the arms of her kidnapper, a murderer. Stiles turned to face me, his eyes darkening. "Oh come on, you didn't really expect me to stay here right." 

"You belong too Void now." He said in a monotone voice, turning his eyes back to whatever he was looking at. "You belong too me." I sigh standing up in frustration, I throw the cupcake wrapper in the nearest bin before heading too the door. "Where are you going?" 

"For a walk, in the garden." 

"Not without me or a guard your not." He rises from this seat grabbing his jacket that was hung around the back. 

"Yes, I am." He freezes and narrows his eyes as if he were warning me not to disobey him. God, if this jackass didn't have such a glorious face I would of pummeled him to the ground a long time ago. "Listen, if you want me to stay. Your going to have to trust me. I don't wanna be followed around every second of every day it's infuriating. I'm a girl and girls need their space, got it?" I turn opening the door, walking straight out not looking back. Down the corridor stood Malia, holding a tray with two hot chocolates on them. 

"Figured I should apologize."


"This is a terrible movie Malia." I say groaning as the people on the screen pretend to know what they're doing. I'd hardly call it acting. Malia laughs placing her empty cup on the table beside her.

"Yeah but its so bad its good! The fact it's terrible is what made it so popular. It's funny you have too admit you've laughed." She wasn't wrong, it was a movie that would make you laugh till you peed. 

"Can you show me the garden now?" I plead, "I could use a breath of fresh air. It's so stuffy here." She turns to me and sighs, "What?" 

"Are you.. trying to get outside, so you can... run away?" I didn't answer straight away I cannot deny the thought didn't swim through my mind. I missed my parents, Allison, god even Derek. 

"Malia I-"

"Because I can help you." We meet eyes, the look in them reassure me she's being deadly serious. "I can cover for you. Think of it as a huge apology for the way I have treated you whilst you were here." A cold sensation runs through my veins, and a shiver up my spine. I want to accept her offer, so so badly. 

"Malia think, what if Stiles finds out your the one who let me escape? He'd.. kill you." 

"He won't. I'll be smart, I promise." She breathes not exactly confident in herself, she glances down at the watch on her wrist. "Hurry and accept or deny because if we want to do this, we do it now. Stiles should be watching the new guards round the front, its the only time he leaves the back exit unguarded." I'll leave everything, I'll leave my phone here they'd track it otherwise. Am I actually considering this? Pushing myself from the sofa I nod my head.

"Yeah, yeah I wanna get out of here." I begin to pace, "But I don't know my way home from here. God, I don't even know where I am." 

"We're at base seven. You know, number seven on the map. The place near the Animal Clinic. If you exit from the back, you only have to run a couple of blocks following the left wall, avoiding windows, and you'll be on the main street." 


"I'll knock out the dude who's watching them, nobody will notice you've gone until well... you've gone."

"Let's go." I say, tightening my cardigan straps around my waist, a look of utter determination in my eye. 


The concrete felt so fresh under my feet, I hadn't been outside in a while, the air was cold and the wind bitter but it was refreshing. I had hugged Malia goodbye at the door and began running, as fast as my small legs could take me. My breath was beginning to shorten yet adrenaline kept me going. I was free, once again to be reunited with my family and friends. No Stiles to hold me back. I hit the main road soon enough and waved my arms frantically to any passing car beckoning them to stop, I was beginning to lose hope until one curbed the sidewalk. Looking through the window I see a seemingly familiar face.


"Braeden! Oh thank god." She unlocked her passenger door as I slipped into the seat no hesitation. "Thank god you stopped." I didn't say anymore as her foot pressed down on the acceleration and we sped off. 

"Are you okay? Lord, we've been looking for you for so long! How'd you get out?" Her worried expression and the way her knuckles whitened as her grip got tighter on the wheel showed just how shocked yet relieved she was too see me. 

"One of the girls, she just decided to help me. We have to be quick though, I need to plan a hiding spot before they come looking for me." 

"There's no way I can take you back to Hallows base. That's the first place they'll look for you, I'll take you too my place and we'll call Derek and get your parents and Allison down." I sigh in relief at Allison's name, she must be okay. Thank god, I thought that gun shot to her leg might of killed her.

Braeden drove well over the speed limit, but it didn't worry me, there were barley any other cars on the road and she was a very good driver. I could see the small pistol peaking out from her boot and knife strapped around her thigh. 

"I forgot you were an assassin." 

"The best in Beacon Hills." We shared a second or so laughing before her face turned neutral again, "You know where their base in right now. If you give me the location I can go straight in and take out as many as possible." 

"By yourself?" 

"That's why I'm the best." 

{a/n: how do you think Stiles will react when he realises Lydias gone?}

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