Chapter Twenty: Angst

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"Can you.. can you undo the handcuffs, they're hurting me." Stiles looked hurt at my choice of words to say after he admitted his true feelings for me but nevertheless pulled out a small key too unlock them. 

Rubbing my sore wrists, I cant bare too look at him. Guilt, was running through my body, a feeling I never thought I would feel towards anything I'd do or say towards him. 

"How can you be so sure that what you feel for me is love.. you've never felt it before." 

"I know that but I also know that whenever I'm with you my heart beats faster, I wanna protect you at all times, your my top priority and always on my mind.. so yeah, I truly believe I'm in love with you. As unusual as it sounds." I never expected a tone so soft, even softer than before. It was like he was a totally different person. 

"Stiles I-" I didn't even get too finish what I was about too say because he firmly pressed his lips against mine for a quick kiss. 

"I don't care, Even if you don't feel the same. I'm selfish, your staying." He tucked some hair behind my ear, even though I looked down I could tell he was still looking at me. "What did I say about the contacts.." 

I turn the wing mirror around so its facing me, staring at the blue eyed, brown haired girl in it. This wasn't me whatsoever. Gently pulling the contacts from my eyes I turn back too Stiles who's now smiling at me. Yes, not smirking, genuinely smiling. It sent butterflies crazy in my stomach, why was I feeling this way? 

"The dye will wash out in a few days if I keep showering." I tell him as he restarts the car. "When I get back, to Void. Can I have my own room.. to shower in?" 

"Scared I'll invade your privacy?" He chuckled, placing his hand back on my thigh. 

"No." I sigh, "I'm scared I'll enjoy it." 


Liam was frantically bouncing all over the place, throwing pillows off the couch before running and pointing a stern finger in my face. 

"I knew it!" He screamed, "I knew you looked familiar!" I laughed at his childish behaviour and he once again began to dash around the room.

My neck was still aching from the sedative Stiles had too inject into me, no matter how much of a fight I put up, in order too keep the location of the base a secret from me.

"Are you telling me you found Lydia and lost her again?" Stiles playfully grabbed the back of Liam's neck and jokingly tackled him too the ground, they began play fighting before I heard a familiar voice come from behind me.

"Sorry too see you back." 

Turning too see Malia stood, all dirty and bruised, I dash over too hug her. 

"I'm so sorry for what they did too you Mal, I'll convince Stiles to move you back too your room." I promised her, moving hair from her face too get a look at her cut lip and cheek. "God who beat you up?" She didn't say a word, instead diverted her eyes too behind me, too Stiles. 

Clenching my fists, I turn. He knows, the look on his face lets me know he knows I'm incredibly pissed off at him.

"From one argument too another it seems.." His face was back too being stone cold as he got up from the floor along with Liam, I stormed over, placing two firm hands on his chest to shove him back. 

"Your not suppose to hit girls!" I was pounding fists into his chest and he was letting me, for some reason, for the first time he was letting me take out all my anger on him. 

Once I had no breath or adrenaline left, I stopped. Stiles was backed against a wall and we were surrounded by mumbling gang members. Members I had never seen before, all staring at me and Stiles. I suddenly got uncomfortable, I had never been one for causing a scene and gaining a crowd. 

"What the hell are you all looking at, can't you tell she's feeling awkward. Piss off." Malia suddenly shouted, a few people listened too her and cleared off but most of them stayed and continued too stare. 

Turning too Stiles I grasp onto his shirt, "Get them too go away." 

"They're my gang, they don't know who you are, well they didn't recognise you with the brown hair. They just thought you were some nut job attacking me." Stiles sighed, circling his hand around in a motion that immediately sent all the people around us in different directions. It shocked me too see that Stiles didn't even have too speak or raise his voice in order too have so much power over everyone. "You gonna stop losing your temper in public places or shall I resort too throwing you over my shoulder too drag you out the room myself?" 

"Your going too resort too giving Malia her old room back as an apology for using her as a punching bag!" 

He grabbed my arms, turning me around so that my back was against his front. His firm hand grabs my chin forcing me too look at Malia. 

"Her face, is your fault. The fact she is in the basement in a cell, is your fault. Don't you get it Lydia, everything I ever did when you decided too leave me, is your fault!" Spinning my back around he stares me right in the eye. "People make mistakes Lydia, Malia made a big one that cost us a lot." 

"Don't you think killing a girl on TV was enough punishment!" Tears began swelling in my eyes as even though I never saw it, I heard it. "I heard the gunshot and her body fall too the floor. You didn't have too do that, your the one who raised the gun and pulled the trigger. That was your fault so don't you dare try and blame the death of a young girl on me!" 

I felt an hand rest of my shoulder from behind and turn too see Scott, a weak smile staining his face as he tried too be some what comforting. 

"It was rash Lydia but we all know people were going too die whether or not you came back here. Hallows are going too have too kill more people, your mother will have to pay the price for killing Aiden eventually." Scott's voice became sinister every word he spoke and his grip on my shoulder tightened. "Why don't I call Jackson down so he can escort you too Stiles' room, me and Stiles need too talk anyway." 

Jackson, that prick. I still remember him getting beaten too a pulp by Stiles surely he would of learn his lesson by now. 

Scott pulled his phone out and summonded Jackson down, it didnt take more than thirty seconds for him too appear on the staircase. 

"Come on Lydia. I don't have all day." I rolled my eyes at Jacksons lack of patience, before I even took a step, I felt a gentle grip on my upper arm and turn too see Stiles. He was throwing Jackson a very dirty look. 

"If he touches you, tell me. I'll kill him." He whispers, slowly pushing me forwards. 

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