Chapter Thirty: Some Shit

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The nurse had gotten me changed into a short floral dress and some white flats under her bosses demands, at first I protested but she told me he'd hurt her if I didn't comply. My hair was brushed and pulled back into a tight ponytail and my face was now covered in a wonder of makeup. 

"What is your boss called? He never told me his name." I asked, pressing my lips down onto a each side of a tissue. 

"William, he's called William and his son is Owen." The nurse was seperating a bunch of different medication into each compartment of a weeks schedule. "I don't want too alarm you but Owen tends too be a little more impulsive and hot headed than his father." 

"I've handled Stiles Stilinski, I think I can handle a rich boy gone wrong." I wiped the corners of my lips too neaten the lipstick and placed it into the trash next too me. "I'm not worried about it, not in the slightest. My friends are coming too save me. I know it." 


The soup was hot and I had too leave it too sit for a while as my stomach grumbled in demand for food. I didn't know how long I had sat here for, two minutes, maybe five, maybe even ten but it was unnerving and I couldn't shake the feeling that in some sense I was about too be hurt. 

Flinching at the sound of the door clicking open, I turn my head too look, It was William and his son who was carrying a case.

"People usually rise too greet us, out of respect for our hospitality." William said, resting one hand on the back of my chair. 

"Killing my baby isn't exactly good hospitality you bastard." I snapped with intention, making him raise a hand and strike my cheek. "Neither is abusing me." 

"She was pregnant, damn and I was kind of hoping for her flower." Owen chuckled, pulling out the chair beside me. "So your the infamous Lydia Martin, Stiles' bitch but the smartest woman in the whole of Beacon Hills. How ironic." He grabs the bottle of gin that was placed at the center of the table and begun pouring a couple of glasses. 

"I'll leave you two alone too discuss future plans." William took his own glass of gin and left the room without another word, only one loud smirk on his face that said it all.  

"Well considering my future doesn't concern you, we have nothing too discuss." 

Owen ignored my rather rude statement and instead reached into his pocket, pulling out a small black velvet box. I internally cringed at the sight and just prayed he didn't drop down too one knee. Wishful thinking really, the unromantic son of a bitch slid the box down the table to my hand and like the stubborn son of a bitch I am, I slid it back. 

"Listen Lydia, I don't think you understand all that you can benefit from being with me. You wouldn't even have too work, I'd deliver everything too you. I'd provide all for you." He grabbed my wrist harshly and put the box into my palm, pushing my fingers over it into a grasp. "Accept it and accept me, this is how it's going too be if you want your precious boy too live." 

"Or I could just wait for him too come and rescue me, he'll kill you for even proposing a relationship between us." I place the box back onto the table and loosen my ponytail. "I'll be looking forward to the moment he puts a bullet between both yours and your fathers eyes."

The way he clenched his fists reminded me of the way Stiles did, too control his temper. It was only very rare though that Stiles would be doing it too try and stop himself from hitting me, hell I can't recall a moment he's ever thought about raising a hand and hitting me. 

"I'm trying too be as kind as I can too you, if it were my choice, you'd be dead. So just be grateful and accept that my dad remains superior over everybody in Beacon Hills, thus his decisions stand." 

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