Chapter Thirty Three; Together

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(this chapter is for you too basically get an understanding on where Lydia and Stiles' relationship stands as it's never truly been clarified)


"So, you won huh?" Allison teased, her tongue through her teeth as she fanned herself with the pages of a magazine. 

"Of course I did." I chuckled, throwing myself onto her bed, picking up one of her magazines too flick through as well. Not really taken by any of the new boots or clothes on sale. 

Her room was a public room, one she had too share with other members of each gang, some from Void and some from Hallows, but they were all out with duties so we had the place between the two of us. 

"Are you guys like... together?" She asked, taking a handful of popcorn too shovel into her mouth. Adjusting the volume on her phone so the music was low and rather suspenseful to carry out the conversation.

"What do you mean?" Taking some popcorn for myself, I ate it piece by piece, pressing Allison too continue with a curious look. I mean, I suppose me and Stiles were together in a sense. We were loyal too one another, at least I hoped. 

"Like, are you guys together?Boyfriend and girlfriend?" 

Labels had always made me turn up my nose in resent, I never liked them, I was always afraid for that extra commitment. Knowing that putting my trust and love into a person can lead me into a spiral of depression and sadness if broken. So thinking me and Stiles were in a commited relationship, finally put our future into perspective. 

"We're having a baby together. Oh god, what if he doesn't want too be tied down too one girl but thinks this baby is a restraint too me?" I started freaking out, my eyes shaking slightly before claimed into Allison's. 

"Lydia, he loves you. I've seen it. Even before he found out you were pregnant. He's made you his one and only priority over everything and everybody else and his behaviour earlier just proved that, his unhealthy behaviour has decreased because of you and it's only very rare within your relationship because Stiles is new too this kind of bond and so are you." Allison's points were structual and offered many valid explanations too my worries. I took a deep breath and Allison squeezed my hands in comfort. "Now, what do you think of these jeans?" 


It was around 1 in the morning when me and Allison finally both dozed off after endless hours of normal girltalk, from clothes, to boys, to stupid mind fucks. Like how you have too pretend too be asleep before you actually sleep. I had woken up after a short nap it had seemed as when I checked my watch, it was 5:46 and I was restless yet unable too shut my eyes and sleep in peace again. 

Instead, I swung my legs from the bed, trying too be as quiet as possible so I wouldn't wake Allison who was snoring softly and put on the dressing gown I had brought with me. The door was left unlocked and I noticed the shadows of bodies that slept in the other beds within the room. 

I snuck out, the hallways were lit with dim candles just like the rooms. It was a scary place but it was safe and the only secure place we could stay in Beacon Hills. My stomach grumbled in protest at the lack of food I had consumed within the day so I decided it'd be best too locate the kitchen. Feet dragging behind me at the fatigueness I felt. 

Only now and again would I bump into a guard who would look me up and down and recognise me as 'Stiles' girl' as I heard one whisper too the other but they would just let me pass as if I had some kind of authority. One even helped me find the kitchen and all the delicious food the fridge and cupboards held. 

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