Chapter Thirty One; Rotational Danger

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I always preferred driving with headphones, yes it increased the risk of a crash but I tend too live my life on the verge of danger. Music made me focused and also allowed me too devise a rescue plan, glancing back too see Allison's mouth agape and Scott's rather concerned face, I took the headphones from my head and raised an eyebrow.

"Lydia's pr-" 

"PROnouncing her words very carefully, I think she's learnt a thing or two from being around these posh twats!" Allison cut Scott off abruptly, shooting him daggers before sending me an unconvincing smile. "Isn't that right Scott?" She encouraged, hitting his shoulder so hard it made him wince. 

"Yes, yes that's what I was wanting too tell you. Allison was just rather eager and decided too jump in first." He coughed, rubbing his shoulder. "So anyways what's the plan Boss? Jump in there with knuckle dusters and throw hits?" 

"No, they'll all know my face. They'll probably know yours too Scott, that's why I'm relying on Allison back there." I smiled too her through the wing mirror. "Your going too go in there and pretend too be on his side, let him assume your there too.. I don't know sue me?" 

"I don't really look very... political though. I mean I have a dagger in my boot and a loaded gun in my belt, don't even let me get onto how uncomfortable the switch blade in my bra is." 

"We don't need too know that Allison." Scott replied, fidgetting with discomfort. 

"Awe, you thinking about what else is in my bra." She giggled, slipping off her leather jacket too readjust everything. "No but really, they're all so overprotective. I'm going too have too get in there with no weapons and how am I suppose too save Lydia with nothing but my hands." 

"You can fight I guess." Scott placed two fingers on the bridge of his nose, kicking his feet up onto the seat. 

"Awe, you thinking about what else I can do with my hands McCall." 

"Both of you, pack it in!" I scolded, bending my hand behind me too collect the weapons Allison was distruputing. "Fight if needed, if not, grab Lydia and get out of there as easy as you can."

"Gee thanks for that inspirational speech, I'm bloody inspired."



I had managed too tie Owen up too a leg of the solid table with his belt and his own tie, this wouldn't hold him forever but it did give me some time. 

Cracking open the door as slowly and quietly as possible, I checked the surroundings before slipping out. My feet moved at a reasonable pace taking me back too the nurses clinic, I had being clawing a small trail along the wallpaper, zigzag for left and straight for right, so I could find my way back. 

Passing William's office was going too be tricky considering the door was wide open and I could hear him talking too somebody. How could I possibly slip passed unnoticed, one of them was going too be facing the doorway. Unless...

"William, hello- Oh sorry I didn't realise you had company, excuse the dreadful manners but errm me and Owen are fooling around, do you-" I didn't even have too finish my sentence, with a flirtatious wink he tossed a condom from his pocket. 

"I knew you'd like him." William clapped his hands proudly. 

"A little too much for my liking, anyways I'm just going too ask Joanne if she has some perfume or deodrant or something. Wouldn't want too make a stink out of my time with Owen." 

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