Chapter Forty One; Leader

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"I think I'm going to take Noah for a stroll, I feel as if he hasn't seen outside in forever... he doesn't deserve to be trapped like he is." 

"Let me come with you." Scott was already pulling on his jacket, giving me no time too decline. Though I suppose some company other than a babbling toddler would be quite pleasant. "I want to ask you something as well." 

"Just let me grab my coat and the stroller for Noah and I'll be right with you." 

Heading out of the kitchen, Scott followed me barely five steps behind, he had been adamant about leaving me alone. He'd even taken it upon himself too sleep on the dirty couch in my bedroom. Just in case I have a problem with you know, being pregnant. 

It wasn't as if I could turn to the love of my life and tell him. 

He wasn't here. 

"I was simply wondering if I could read the letter Stiles left. There has to be some clues. Something written between the lines for us too find." 

"You're talking to the genius you kidnapped. I'm pretty sure if he left something I'd of decoded or transcribed it myself by now - by all means give it a read. He left nothing." I pulled it from my jean pocket and turned to swiftly press it too Scott's chest. He caught my wrist to keep my facing him before I could turn again. "Let go." 

"That's because you're listening to the letter obediently. You think your boyfriend wouldn't lie and you've grown so submissive to believe his every word, you're like putty he's crafted into his hand. You need to start thinking like the Lydia who hated Stiles..." 

"You want me to hate him again? And for your information, he isn't my boyfriend. Not anymore." 

"If you're not going to do this for me or for yourself, do it for your baby. Every kid who grows up with a single parent is more likely to become a nutcase, I mean lets use Stiles as an example of this. His mum died young, he was left with a father-" 

"Who hated him. He was left with a father who blamed his own child for the death of his wife, the only reason Stiles has had a bit of a toxic past is because his only parent didn't love him. I'm going to love my kid with all I can. Father or not." 


I sat at my usual spot, pregnant belly tucked just below the table with Noah cooing softly too the side of me. Every now and again I would rock his pram back and forth too quiet him, he only ever shushed when Stiles was around... whether that was with intimidation or adoration I had no idea. 

"Here you go." The waiter gave me a handsome smile whilst setting down my coffee and Noah's now lukewarm bottle of milk. "Can I get you anything else?" 

"No that'll be all thank you." I handed him the money I owed and an extra five dollar tip. He shoved the money into his apron and then looked up as Noah begun to stir again.

"Cute baby. Is he yours?" He asked, encouraging a further conversation. I gave his name tag a quick glance. Peter. 

"No, no. We- I adopted." My lips snapped closed and I just hoped he missed my freudian slip. "His mother became mentally unstable and well his father died in action. So, you know I had to take him in. Every kid deserves some kind of a chance." 

"Yeah and parents, if not just one, the both of them-" 

"You know everyone keeps telling me that but I think I can handle my kids independently. Besides, better one loving parent then none at all."  

The laugh we shared was awkward and the tension seemed too linger as he pulled out the opposite seat and placed himself in it, adjusting on the mental surface for comfort. Didn't this dude have a job too do? Yes, the lack of customers did offer a break but there were always other things to be done. 

"Well don't you think every kid brought into the world is entitled too two parents. I mean, you're pregnant. Two kids on your own... it's going to be hard." 

I scoffed and pushed my hair back off of my shoulders. Folding my arms, I leant back onto the seat hoping the little amount of support the cheap thing offered was enough. Narrowing my eyes at my current enemy.

"You don't even know me, what's with the third degree." 

"Of course I know you. Your face has been over this town for months. You're an infamous celebrity around here." 

Shit. I keep forgetting I'm not the old me, for some reason I assumed Stiles' departure would make everything navigate back into it's original place. Order had been restored. That was bullshit. Nothing was going to be the same, my mother was still dead, my best friend was still dead and my father would never return. 

Taking a sip of my coffee, I focused my face upon Noah as I tried too keep the tears at bay. My life had become a mess and Stiles had abandoned me in it. I hated him. 

"Look, I'm sorry. My intentions were never to make you upset. I was just like wondering if I could get your number or something." 

"Wow, do guys still think that really works? Twiddle a girl down until her emotional state is a wreck and then play on her vulnerability so your dick gets a warm place to sleep at night? Get the fuck outta here." 


Every kid brought into this world is entitled too two parents.

Those words seemed too stick and they weren't even accurate. If one parent is all you can offer, then you make it work. You double. You take on the role of the mother and the father as best as you can. 

Besides I wasn't alone. 

I had Scott, I had Braeden. Never-mind the rest of the gang who had all seemed to adjust to me being their new 'leader'. I for once wanted the role and title too pass down to Scott but he refused, saying he'd just make impulsive and wrong decisions. I never saw the problem in that though, Stiles always did. 

The thought that my kids would go to school hearing all about the fun times the other kids had with their dads, hurt my heart. 

Dropping too my knees, I shuffle a few objects around from under my bed until my hands find the cylinder shape I was looking for. Now I was the one wishful thinking. 

The map was a mess, red ink crossed and arrowed everywhere all over it. Stiles was in Beacon Hills still, I know it, I feel it. I've found him once before, I could do it again. It would just be a little harder this time. 

My pride was in some sort of battle with my heart, I needed to ask for help but I couldn't bring myself to do so. Scott was right before, he does know Stiles better than me. We never really got too know each other that well, we always had fleeting moments of romance before some kind of scarring childhood trauma would make an appearance. 

Stiles had left nothing behind that I could logically analyse. This was a case of stumbling into him or not. Most likely not though, he was smart as much as I hate too admit. If it weren't for me, his little telluric current plan and rotational location movement would've worked well. 

Every kid brought into this world is entitled too two parents.

If not for my sake, I had to find him for the sake of my kids.

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