Chapter Three; With All Due Respect

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"Your an idiot Allison! You can't go, it's far too dangerous." I protest, standing up from my desk to grasp her arm. Stopping her from packing her bag. "They'll kill you."

"I've been an incredibly fast learner. I'm ready for this Lydia, please support me." She pleaded trying to pry her arm free from my tight grip.

"I support your every decision but this one. This is pure idiocy, let the experts deal with it please." I begged, forcing her to sit at the edge of my bed. She had a sad look in her eyes that made me instantly regret my words, she didn't think I support her at all. I sigh and run a hand down my face, "Listen you have a long distance weapon. If you promise me you'll keep your distance and stay away from danger. You can go." Her eyes lit up.

"I promise! I promise you. Err, I need to draw up a plan." She stood up with a rush of adrenaline. "I mean, it should be easy. They entered our land, our territory. I already know this place like the back of my hand." She rushed over to the centre table where the large sets of paper sat. "Lydia help me for a moment." She summoned me over. Holding a pencil out for me too take, I hold it carefully waiting for my next instruction. "If they were seen just three miles from here, heading in our direction. Where do you think the best place for me to defend will be?" She drew small stick figures on the borders of our land, sketches of the enemy.

"How long is the range of your bow?" I ask, tapping the pencil against my bottom lip.

"It shoots over 10 meters, so if I perfect my aim. I could kill them." I cringe at the word, kill. How bitter. "Maybe I could be just outside the door behind one of the emergent trees?"

"No, you wanna be on higher ground. Get to an advantage point." I say drawing a little figure of Allison the roof of the base. "Here's perfect. Close to home." She rolls her eyes at me before taking a seat and kicking her feet up onto the table. I mean, not only did I want Allison safe and sound here I also was a little scared. Me and the tech team were going to be the only ones in the base as everybody would be out busy today. I had no protection whatsoever.

"Fine, I'll stay on the roof but if the danger gets closer.. I'm going down and fighting with the rest." She threw her hands up in surrender one more time before turning too her bag of arrows, slinging it over her shoulder. "We don't have long before we expect their arrival, I'd find a place to hide just in case."

"In case what?"

"In case were not strong enough to hold them back." She laughed a rather empty laugh. After she scolded me for being so narcissistic, she starts to doubt herself also. "I'm not saying we're weak, cause frankly we're not. It's just, they've been at this game much longer than us. It's like we're pieces on a chest board.."

"And their winning." I finished her sentence for her, taking the bow she left on my chair and placing it delicately in her hands. "Allison, they were winning. We're beating them at their own game. We're a few places ahead. I'm so close into finding their location, it's on the tips of my fingers." Allison smiles kindly before taking her leave. My stomach churns and fills with butterflies. When your best friend walks away to her possible death, you wouldn't be okay. So how am I suppose to be relaxed?

"Lydia, are you in here?" I hear Derek say from the other side of my door. I open the door politely and invite him inside, he closes the door behind him making me a little feared of what he was too say. "I brought you something. Something that can be useful to you.. especially since non of the savvies downstairs are exactly, tough."

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