Chapter Twenty Five; A Name

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"My mums dead." I almost chuckled at the irony. She finally did pay the price for the death of Aiden. "My dad doesn't want me anymore. Neither does Allison." The child in my arms was sound asleep, snoring gently and though my arms were becoming numb, I continued too rock him. 

"I'm sorry." Was all Stiles said, glancing forward too make sure the driver wasn't eavesdropping into our conversation, "I mean it's not like it was your fault or anything." 

"I'm the one who called them Stiles, who made them go too the base because I thought they would..." I stopped myself, resting my head back on the seat. 

"You thought they would what? Save you from me? Didn't we come too an understanding ages ago that nobody can take you from me." 

I knew it was too good too be true, he wouldn't ever be normal, Stiles would never look at somebody like me as nothing but an object. A possession. 

"So what's the little guy called?" He asked, eyes lightening at the baby. I could tell he maybe wasn't very interested, he just didn't want an awkward silence between us. 

"He doesn't have a name, his father is somewhere fighting a war. She didn't say where but when he comes back he's going to realise that his daughter and mother in law are dead, that his own wife is in a mental asylum and that his son is missing." I half smiled, "I guess he's worst off than me." 

Stiles took the slip of paper from my pocket, glaring down at the sheet of names. His eyes crunched together in disapproval at a lot of them before softening at one. 

"Noah." He smiled a genuine smile. "That was my fathers name." 

"Your going to be helping me bring up a child that you killed the sister of." 

"It was a mistake." 

"It was reckless and impulsive." I snapped back, not realising the harsh tone would wake the child. "Oh shit, now look what you've done." Even though I knew it was all my fault I could easily pass the blame onto Stiles. I tried shushing the kid but he cried more and more, gaining the attention of the person driving. "Eyes on the road dickhead!" 

"Stop swearing in front of Noah!" Stiles scolded me, snatching the baby from my arms too cradle in his instead. It was unnerving at first, watching something so gentle and innocent in the arms of a murderer but then it got cute real quick. He had stopped crying and squealing and even let his eyes open too stare into Stiles', a cute little smile took over the babies face and my heart warmed.

"I didn't know you were good with kids." 

"Me either." 


When all the furniture and needed items were placed in a small room beside mine and Stiles', we set Noah down in his crib and watched over him as he snored softly. Scott had even come into the room too admire the baby. 

"I'm so glad I didn't shoot this cutie." 

"I'm so disgusted you had the mindset too even ponder about shooting him." My eyes were mean and directed at the boy who's smile was apologetic. 

"Sorry, I just didn't think you'd be up for taking him." With that sentence, he departed, giving Noah one last look. 

"Did you really have too be so harsh." Stiles was now stood right behind me, brushing the hair over my shoulder to get access too my neck. I used my hip to shove him back a little. "Come on red, we haven't been together in so long." 

"And now we have a kid. We have too act like responsible parents. Not horny teenagers who fuck every two minutes and yes I meant two minutes because no offence sweetie, you should learn too last longer." He chuckled and moved too the side of me, resting over the crib too stare at Noah. 

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