Chapter Six; Cell 3367

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"Ya know Stiles never asks me too look after his ladies but.." A familiar voice came from the now open bedroom door and in came Scott in all his form and glory. "I guess your an exception Lydia."

"I'm not his lady and I couldn't care less what an exception I am, I shouldn't be here for to long." I close the book Stiles kindly granted me and place it on the bed beside me. "Who says I need to be looked after anyway?"

"Stiles did. He doesn't trust you, therefore you cannot be trusted alone. Who knows what your smart little mind can come up with." He grabs the book and throws it across the room so he can jump into the bed space beside me. "So wanna play a game?"

"Depends what kind of sadistic game you have in mind." I bluntly respond, not really interested in any type of communication with him. I just wanted to be left alone.

"Hide and seek." I sniggered at his childish response, last time I played that game was when I was seven with my cousins. "It's a fun game, I love chasing people. Especially women."

"What are you some lady killer? Cause if you are I'd like to know before you slice and dice me." I hopefully joke, to be honest I knew limited things about what Void was capable of as a whole.

"I'm more of a lady charmer so.." He hits my thigh a lot harder than he thought he would judging by his shocked reaction at my flinch. "Oopsss." I rub my now possibly bruised thigh.

"What a charmer, now come on I wanna play your game."



"We have to get her back." I groaned, readjusting the bandage wrapped around my leg. "Her mum has lost both her husband and now her daughter to Void." Derek was pacing back and forth, making me a little dizzy as he pondered.

"What else can we do? We've tried what we can." He sighs running a hand down his face, "Lydia may be on her now, she has to find a way."'

"You don't know Lydia like I do though, she's never been put in these kind of situations before. I don't know how she's reacting, she may be terrified-"

"Never underestimate my daughter." A gun cocked to the side of me and there stood Natalie Martin, Lydia's mum. "I don't know about you guys but I'm going for my daughter, even if it means I die trying." Derek grunted and rubbed his tired eyes, he'd been up all night trying everything he could. "Your either with me or your not."

"I'll come-" I attempt to participate.

"No Allison, your leg still hasn't healed and we need to go as soon as possible." Natalie snapped, "Your in no position to kill." I sigh knowing she's right, there's no way my stealth was in its tip top shape.

"I can't just sit around knowing they've got my best friend." I grunt, turning so I'm just say on the bed facing Natalie. "I mean they won't kill her, I know they won't. She's too precious to them. To stiles." We all sat in silence for a while, contemplating. Truth is, non of us knew what to do. We were at a huge disadvantage. Without Lydia that is, she'd know what to do. If only there was some way to reach her. To talk to her. I couldn't think of anything. My mind was blank. "Have you had someone search her room. Maybe she left something behind?"

"We've checked, every nook and cranny. The only way to understand a genius is to be one, that's why Stiles wanted her. He's the only other genius I know on this earth." Derek huffed, adjusting his belt where a set of blades sat. "Lydia is deemed far far smarter than him, that's why he needed her, she's a threat. The only person who makes Void weak compared to us but now they've got her, and we're back at square one. Right at the bottom." He headed towards the door in order to exit the hospital clinic. "I'll go talk to Isaac, he's working on some explosive arrow heads for you."



I didn't even know where I was going, I just ran down one flight of steps and then another. There were no guards around which was rather suspicious, maybe they were all busy. Which due to the large number of members would be rather unusual. This place began feeling cold, my thin ripped cardigan wasn't much protection from the bitter breeze eloping me. I didn't even know where I was but the large measures I'd go through to win the game against Scott was extreme, I flinched at the sudden sound of what seemed like a groan. Oh my god. What was this place?

"Is somebody down here?" I say, stepping cautiously deeper into the dark pit. "Hello?" I was living a very cliche moment from a fucked up horror movie, was I about to die? Or was that to predictable?

"Lydia." I heard a croak of broken male voice groan. Oh my god. "Is that you honey?" I couldn't see anything, but that broken voice sounded far to familiar. My breathing became heavier. "Reach out to your left, feel along the wall you hit. You'll find a lamp." The stranger, that didn't seem like much of a stranger instructed me. Trust wasn't something I gave out easy but the small amount of comfort I heard in this mans voice made me believe I could give it. So I listened to him, I followed his simple instructions. Feeling along the cold damp wall I feel something metal. I flipped something on the bottom of it, a fake but bright flame lit up, lighting up the cobble path ahead of me.

"Where are you?" My pink lips were turning blue I could feel it from this low temperature. "There's numbers on these walls can you give me a number?" The man groaned and I could hear movement close by. "Please."

"3367." Was all the man said, I turn the lamp to the wall beside me. I was at number 3362. Very close. It's when I noticed the type of enclosures that surrounded me, cell like things usually seen to enclose animals at the zoo. Void held people here as prisoners, how bloody sickening. My stomach turned as I began to smell something so foul and bitter it made me want to gag, the smell of rotting human flesh. Someone, well used to be someone was laying in one of the cells. Dead. "Don't look at the others honey. Find me." I was knocked back into my main mission. Okay..


And finally, 3367. Holding my breath I slowly approached the cage. Hands shaking, palms sweating. The man was sat against the back wall, in a dark corner that the lamps light didn't seem to hit. They groaned as they did before, struggling too move forward. "Are you okay sir?" I politely ask, examining the plate of mouldy food sat at the gate of the cell. "Do you need to me to get you some water from somewhere?" He shook his head before shaking a plastic bottle that held some liquid. At least he's hydrated. You can survive without food for a while but without water, fatality is certain. "Do you know where the keys are kept, maybe I can free you?"

"They're not in here, the guards usually keep them, hell knows where they are. It's a little weird they've just disappeared." His voice was annoying me, I knew them, I knew them so well.

"Yeah very weird. I mean, I could just pick the lock." I laugh, setting the lamp down and picking a bobby pin out of my hair. I take a deep breathe before pursing my lips in pure focus. I played with the lock for a good five minutes before I heard a click and the gate bounce open a little. I did it. I pick up the lamp again before entering the cell. I slowly walk over the man, who's clothing is ripped. They look up.. and I carefully move the lamp in order to put a name to the beaten  face. My grip on the handle became weak with shock, my mouth was dry and my eyes wide. "Oh my god, oh my god."

"What a reunion sweetheart." I dive onto him, he smelt bad but I held him tightly anyway.

"I can't believe it." I sob into his shoulder, "Dad-" I was cut off by very loud angry footsteps coming down the stairs. My dad places a hand over my mouth in order to keep my breathing quiet. Shit.

"I told you NEVER leave this door open." A very angry Stiles snapped. "Lydia!" He shouted, "I swear to god if you don't come out in the next ten seconds baby, I'll put a bullet through your fathers head. I mean that's who your down here for right!" I was shaking with anger and coldness, I pry my fathers hand from my mouth in fear of his death and scamper towards the cell door.

"Your keeping him here like some animal you bastard!" I say slamming it shut with me still inside. If I stayed with my father he wouldn't kill him, not if I stood right in front of him so Stiles couldn't get a clear shot. "Your not touching him." Stiles was running his gun intimidatingly along the cell walls, the sound of metal on metal was infuriating.

"Come here now Lydia. I'm not asking you again."

"Or else you'll shoot my father right, well trying shooting him cause you'll have to kill me too."

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