Chapter Nine; The Midnight Bathe

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(A/N: another chapter, aren't you lucky Lucy.)

For a place that moves a lot, it sure had a lot of furniture. The moves clearly were over periods of time, and not so efficient. For some sneaky ass people with discrete locations, how the fuck did they move all their shit so subtly.

My hand was linked with another one, following the arm up it wasn't a shock to see Stiles. He was leading my somewhere with clear intention he wasn't gonna let go of me. Hearing the sound of giggling of girls and bubbling of water we come across a small but quaint jacuzzi, in it was Scott, with a girl on either side of him.

"I brought you one Stiles." Scott announced, proudly gesturing to one of the girls. His focus then switched to me and a small frown appeared on his face, "Sorry Lydia. I didn't realise you'd be here.. I can go find a male to-"

"She's got me." Stiles snapped with a jealous tone, snaking an arm around my waist pulling me to him. "And I have her. So please take your sluts out of my jacuzzi and occupy yourselves in whatever other room you want." Scott grunts and steps out of the water, helping the girls out like a gentleman.

"Come on girls.. we can do shit on foosball table."

They left, leaving me alone once again with a man that could end me before I could protest. Stiles kicked off his trainers, and started undoing his belt. Catching onto the fact I was stood dead still he turned and nodded his head as a gesture to my clothes.

"Oh hell no. I am not getting into that small jacuzzi, all snuggled up to you, butt naked. No thanks." I snap, folding my arms in a stubborn stance. He's stood now in just his boxers, it was hard for me not to admire his seemingly perfect body. He had a well sculpted torso and abs that seemed never ending until they hit a deeply carved v-line. My green eyes seemed to think they were in wonderland and refused to listen to the rest of my body's protests to look no longer. His chuckling brings me out of my day dream,

"Well you checking me out, makes me think you want to do more than just snuggle." He steps to the side of the heated water and walks to a small bar pulling out a bottle of champagne. Classy. "Now take off your clothes Lydia, this is your punishment."

Of course he wouldn't let my behaviour slide, this boy was a trickster and a good one at that. 



"Another desolate location. I told you they wouldn't be here, we had some of our people check it out already." Derek kicked the ground, agitated and tired. Like the rest of us.

"Well we have to keep trying." Natalie snapped, rubbing her weary eyes. "This is my daughter.. they already took my husband." The snap of a twig alerted us we were no longer alone of these premises. Natalie and Derek drew their guns as I brought forward my bow. "Show yourselves." Natalie shouted into the trees.

"You shouldn't be here.." Out stepped Aiden, the traitorous rat. "Lydia's one of them now. She doesn't want to be found."

"Your lying.." I say, moving closer. Arrow at the ready. "She'd always chose family over foe. Quit with the mindless manipulation.." Aiden leaned against a tree, a bottle of beer in his hand.

"Okay you caught me, maybe she does want to be found. The only problem is, she's already vowed to stay with Stiles." He takes a sip of his beer before continuing, "In exchange for her father, she has to stay."

"What the hell do you mean, what about her father?" Derek asked, I see Natalie tighten her grip on the gun in her hand, turning her knuckles white.

"I mean, Lydia found her father. She promised Stiles she'd stay with him if he let her father free and since he just loves Lydia... he said yes." Aiden pushes off from the tree, "Stiles has always had a thing for the intelligent ones and since she's a redhead, god he's just weak for her."

To be quite honest

Nobody expected the next move to be made.

Nobody expected this shot to be fired.... from Natalie's gun straight into Aiden's head. The blood splattered all over my plaid blouse and face. Falling back onto the ground in shock, I felt Derek hook his arms under mine, pulling me off the floor.

"Natalie Martin. What have you done." Derek barley spoke audibly, he was in shock, we both were.

"I've just started a war, a war for my daughter. A war for my fucking family."



The way her full pink lips curled around the small champagne glass teased me, I wanted to grab her and do more than kiss her.

"Would you please stop staring at me, your making me uncomfortable." She snaps, like an order. Let me tell you something, I never take orders but I'd happily fall onto my knees for this woman. She was sat on the other side of the jacuzzi, in her underwear, as much as I begged and threatened she wouldn't go naked.

"You shouldn't be uncomfortable gattina, your body is beautiful." A typical male comment I know but how else was I suppose to get her to swoon over me. Girls do it naturally, except dear Lydia here. "I'm still sad your refusing me to see what's under that underwear of yours."

"Nothing that you haven't seen before Stilinski. Ya know I have seven boobs, six vaginas and-"

"Stop with the sarcastic remarks Lydia. That's my job." She rolls her eyes at me making me move closer to her. "I've noticed your calling me Stilinski a lot,  have you lost respect for me."

"Oh please, when did I ever have respect for you." She snickers, taking another sip of her champagne. Narrowing my eyes at her, I swim across so and part her legs slightly do I can stand between them. She tried so hard to not look at me, but her eyes did hold small hints of lust and need. You know even her light, beautiful deep green eyes made me go crazy. I wanted to fuck her, have her scream my name so people learn who she belongs to. I wanted to have her beneath me, on top of me. Anywhere. I just wanted her, needed her. Her warm breath was hitting my lips at our close proxemic, making my breath become rapid. 

"Fuck it.." I moaned, grabbing a fist of her hair tightly, slamming her perfect lips to mine. Keeping our lips together I hook my hands under her thighs, moving them up to her perfect ass. I flip us over, so she's straddling me. The bulge in my boxers was hard and pressed against Lydia's inner thigh so close to her core. It throbbed. I craved her, needed her, so I would take her.

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