Chapter Forteen; Just Dont

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Straight after our moment, Stiles let me out of the cell and walked me back to his room. He didn't say a word, the space between us was prominent and he made sure we never met eyes. I never knew what ran through his head and quite frankly I didn't want too. Understanding him would be like solving a thousand Rubix cubes, twice.

"I'll have Scott bring you up some food, I can guarantee Malia is the last person you'd like too see right now." That's when he broke the silence, mumbling an excuse to leave me alone so he could return to his office and plan something.

"Why do I feel I'm not forgiven?" I snap, throwing myself onto the bed.

"You are.. your mother isn't. She killed one of my members-"

"So answer me this, if you found out someone you thought was loyal was going behind your back to help the enemy.. you wouldn't kill them? You wouldn't kill a traitor?" He stayed quiet one again, tucking his lips together, he knew I was right. It's just unfortunate his pride wouldn't let him admit it. "My mother was serving her side just as you'd expect your members to do yours. Don't hold this against her.. don't hurt my mother for something you'd do you hypocrite." My fists were clenched, nails digging into palms to control myself from lunging at him and attacking him savagely. He was beautiful, that pissed me off even more, I wanted for rip his face off but I'd most likely he sad about it.

"Your eye twitches when your angry, for now I shall leave you to calm and I won't recall the previous events. Like I said, Scott will bring you up some food. I'll talk to you later." He departed, leaving me hot and bothered. I was like a rabid wolf in mating season, I craved every aspect of him again and again. He had left an imprint on me, that was never going to fade. Every kiss, every touch we exchanged was bliss and the second it was over, I wanted it again.

Throwing myself on the bed, I pondered about home. My mum and father would be reunited by now. Happy once again to hold each other, maybe they wouldn't think about saving their daughter until they got over the shock of my fathers return. I wonder how Allison was, her leg looked pretty bad when I last saw her. Blood flowed out of it too quick for her to stay conscious I know that. I prayed she was okay and alive. Derek would be in a frenzy, lost the member he most newly gained. I didn't want to brag but I saved Hallows, saved it from being an unsuccessful organisation. I gave them prominent locations, from past to present of Void. Now look at me, I'm with them.

A knock on the door is what brought me out of my overthinking. I sat up expecting Scott to enter with a tray of delicacies, but it wasn't. Instead another boy entered, hair perfectly gelled into a neat quiff, he was tall with a sharp jaw. His eyes were narrow, like small slits holding a constant glare. Scoffing he said,

"You up for another round or has Boss left you sore." The comment wasn't suppose to be malicious on his part, he obviously took it as some typical teenage boy humour and so I did too until he took it further. "So you want to come back to my room with me, whores around here tend to know it like the back of their hand." It was my turn to scoff, my face holding a displeased look as I glared at the boy who looked as smug as anything.

"I'm not a whore, you clearly don't know who I am. So watch the labels you throw about, you don't want it to make you look hypocritical." He struck me then, bringing his hand across my face in a quick, harsh slap. "What the hell!" Scott walked in then, immediately catching onto the situation as he saw my hand resting against my red cheek and the anger that shon in the boys eyes.

"Jackson, we don't ever lay a violent hand on a our guest of honour!" Scott placed the tray of food on the beside before walking over to stand in between us both. "Stiles won't be very happy when he finds out about this."

"I don't understand, you cannot tell me Stiles actually gives a shit about this girl." Jackson snorted before looking me up and down, "Just let me have a go." I fling myself forward, nails at the ready to claw but was held back by Scott and his superhuman reflexes. Damn it. "Feisty." Jackson chuckled.

"Just fuck off!" I began pounding my fists against Scotts chest, "Let go of me you prick! I wanna hit him."

The door flew open with a bang and we all immediately stopped and turned to see Stiles with a very unimpressed look on his face, "Explain."

"THIS MOTHERFU-" Scott slapped a hand over my mouth before I could continue,

"Jackson slapped Lydia. He mistook her for a hooker after Lydia showed him disrespect I suppose."

"Oh please, he was eyeing me up like a goddamn piece of meat. If you treat girls in this place like I was just treated, screw all of you metaphorically that is-" Scott clamped his hand back onto my mouth, leading for me to sink my teeth into it.

"Stiles come on, how can you let her speak to any of us like-" Jackson didn't finish his sentence, he was winded as soon as Stiles threw the first punch to his stomach.

"It's Stilinski, or Boss too you." He spat, and the beast had released itself. It took two second to slam Jackson up against the nearby wall and another two to knock him back to the ground again harshly. "If you even think about raising your hand and laying it on Lydia here, I'll make sure you don't have one. Got it?" It scared me, his voice, the look in his eye and his mannerisms. He was a terrifying man really. His aura was a mix of power and intimidation that even standing close to him could have you shaking, could have you submissive.

And he surely had me both.

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