Chapter Twenty Six: Bounty

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"This sucks!" I slam the gun down on the side in anger, "I can't hit a single target."

Turning, Stiles is clutching his stomach using the wall behind him too steady himself, he's laughing hysterically at my failure. 

"Oh choke!" I pick up the gun and direct it at him, making sure to flick the safety on first so no accidents would happen. "I might not be able too hit a small target but as long as I aim anywhere but your dick, I should be able too bag at least one hit." His face contoured into one of offense as he playfully hit his chest. 

"Point the gun in the opposite direction and try again. If I'm going too die, I want it too be big and worth it, I'd rather be a martyr than die at the hands of an idiot with a gun." He grabbed my wrists and spun me around, my back pressed too his chest as he reaimed the gun at the target, resting his head gently on my shoulder. "Try now." He whispered, taking a step back. 

I kept my arm steady, exactly where he had put it and pulled the trigger, jolting back a little at the power. I gasp at the target, the bullet had hit the bullseye dead straight. 

"How are you so good at killing people?" I scoff, kicking the ground with the tip of my shoe before turning toward him. "Have you got any other talents?"

"You've already seen them, once in the hot tub, another time in the cell-" I smacked a hand over his mouth knowing he's smirking beneath it. 

"Definatley room for improvement then." I smiled sweetly before giving him a couple light slaps on his right cheek. 

"So what about you Martin, any hidden talents?" He rested a hand softly on my waist bringing me closer too him. I wrapped my arms around his torso and placed my head on his chest for a tight hug. 

"Well, I don't know if you heard but I'm pretty smart." Kissing the top of my head he laughed a little before I continued. "And I also made some heartless, thoughtless monster fall in love with me but err don't know if thats a talent... most likely luck." His hand stopped rubbing my back as I pulled back slightly, I couldn't read his facial expression... but he was smiling. 

Pushing myself up too be his height, which took some boost, I pulled his neck down slightly so I could kiss him. 

"Soo errr... how about we go back too our room and you show me that other talent of yours Stilinski." 


A few hours passed from mine and Stiles' little well you know and I was curled up on the sofa with Noah and a bowl of chocolate ice cream. Flicking through the channels I finally settled on watching the news. 

"The most wanted man in Beacon Hills has finally caused the town too reach it's edge, following the number of casualties and fatalitys following the incident yesterday where hundreds were either shot or stabbed too death. The council have called a ban on all gangs of Beacon Hills including Hallows, one set up by the council themselves and have even issued a bounty on the heads of the members." 

I turned up the volume, hands shaking so badly it sent the ice cream too the floor.

"If a member of the public is too kill or hand in a member of either Void or Hallows $5,000 will be transferred into their accounts immediatley, if one were lucky enough too get their hands on the leader of Void, Stiles Stilinski. They'd be able too pocket $10,000." 

It was only when Noah began crying did I take my attention off the screen, I scooped him up from beside me, craddling him in my arms and rocked him softly. Standing up too my feet in order too find Stiles or Scott. 

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