Chapter Sixteen; Hunt

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"Hi there." I said with a broad smile on my face, it took a second for my mum to comprehend who she was looking at and just another second to hoist me tightly into her arms. "It's good to see you again mum."

"Oh honey, I thought we were never going to see each other ever again." She sobbed whilst stroking my hair, "We're going to have dinner tonight, me, you and your father. Just like old times. You can even invite-"

"Allison." I squeal, stepping from my mum to throw my arms around Allison's neck. "I missed you so much, hows your leg, how have you been!" Again it took her a while to think before she returned the tight hold.

"Holy shit." She breathed, her voice shaky. "God Lydia you had us all scared. I'm good, my legs healing.. I can't believe your here. How are you here?"

"They leave the back exit unguarded every Thursday between 12 and 2 in the afternoon. I had just convinced Stiles too let me go out by myself but a girl called Malia helped me escape anyway." I couldn't stop smiling, I was flustered and happy to be back home. "Where's dad?"

"He's catching a lift with Derek, they had to take a detour on the way here." My mother replied, setting herself on a small seat in the center of the room as Braeden handed her a cup of tea.

"Why? Is everything alright back at the base?"

"Yes yes they just had to stop by the bank, financial problems..." She said, worry appeared of her face for a mere second before she hid it with another smile. "But how are you honey?"

"No no, don't change the subject. Is Hallows, going to shut down?"

"We're not sure yet Lydia." I turn to Allison as she shrugs her shoulder, "But if so Derek will open something else just like it."

"With what money? If he has no money to fund it now what money will he have too reopen?" I scoff, "Besides I thought we had begun collecting donations from the citizens of Beacon Hills?"

"We did, We have enough to keep us going until the end of this month. They stopped donating after they realized we weren't really accomplishing anything."

"But we are now! Reopen the sponsor box. I have a pin pointed location and a time of easy access we can take them. If we let people know we know where Void is, they'll riot the place and give us money for helping them stay safe! We supply ourselves with the weapons we have and we fight. It's the only way." I take a breath before glancing around the room at all the surprised expressions, "Keep my return between us. We'll keep it a secret from Beacon Hills, if they broadcast it, Void will know. Now, lets get to work on a plan."



"Good job at training them Scott, they're good. Real good reflexes and everything." We bump fists as I take a cool beer out of the mini fridge.

"Thanks Stiles, I'll tell you, I sense a fight coming. One that we're going to win but nevertheless a fight."

"I know, Hallows is nearing. They killed one of our men." I ran my hands down my face and took a seat at my desk, "I think it's not something we should worry ourselves about though. They're weaker than us especially because we have Lydia."

"You think Lydia is going to help you take out her old gang, her family, her parents, her friends and her allies?" No, I wanted to answer. Lydia was stubborn and I had full experience of that.

"Scott, we're her family now. I'm her boss, she does exactly what I say." I look down at my watch, I had left her without a guard or myself for around two and a half hours now. She's probably bored sick without my company, no way would she entertain herself here, well unless she found the library or had a run in with another one of my men like Jackson. "I better go check on her. Can't leave her by herself too long ya know what wild girls are like, they'd claw their own eyes out before they got bored."

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